Vyshonne Kamen is an enforcer for the G Park Lords.
Kamen would keep the youth members in line by having them beaten by others for 20 minutes if they were step out of line. He would come to meet two kids: Aiden West and Chris Howard. Kamen would have them run dime bags for him but as they got older Kamen expected more from them. Two kids would be beaten to death on Kamens orders, and their murders would be investigated by Homicide, but Kamen would not be convicted. Both West and Howard wanted help, so they went to Calvin Suggs a firefighter. Suggs would go to Kamen and try to talk to him about letting the kids go but Kamen shut him down. Suggs then offered Kamen $3,00 from his bank account; however, Kamen told him that the price for the boy's freedom was 10 grand. Suggs would threaten Suggs life and the lives of his family. Suggs would give Aiden West and Chirs Howard a lockbox key to rod buildings with Suggs giving them all the details. They would then give the spoils to Kamen. Kamen would later find out about the lockbox key from West.
Good Men[]
Suggs would call Kamen to tell him that he wanted out, Kamen killed Suggs in his car and took the key from the boys. West and Howard would break into another building, but things go wrong when police enter the building, and a man is injured accidently and would later die in the hospital, by West. Det. Jay Halstead and Hailey Upton would come to Aldrich Gardens were a kid is getting beaten up on Kamens orders. The victim of the beating tells the police to screw off as another gang members tells the detectives that he is good. Kamen tells them that it is all just a bunch of nonsense and then tells Halstead that this has nothing to do with him. After seeing West, Upton tells Halstead to go. The gang member looks to Kamen and the man gives him a silent nod of approval. West and Howard would be caught by the intelligence unit. West agreed to wear a wire to have Kamen confess to killing Suggs. Kamen would come to a dinner after hearing that West was looking for him. West has Kamen confessing to killing Suggs but not before Suggs says that Suggs had a part in the burglaries on the wire. Kamen would attack West but would be stopped Kevin Atwater and is arrested. Kamen would be taken into the integration room were all the evidence they have on him is shown; Kamen does not say a word. He would be convicted of all his crimes.
Murders Connected to Vyshonne Kamen[]
- Two unnamed boys: (16-year-olds): Beaten to death by gang members: Ordered by Vyshonne Kamen: Mentioned.
- Calvin Suggs: (Firefighter): Shot in the head by Vyshonne Kamen.
- Unnamed man: Died in the hospital from a head injury accidently caused when Aiden West scared him during a burglary: He was coerced to commit the burglaries by Vyshonne Kamen.