Valerie Gilchrist is the girlfriend of Jorge Luna, a gangster who committed several robberies with Pablo Soza, who was later killed by Jorge in retaliation for kidnapping and attempting to murder Valerie.
Not much is known of her past, other than she was the daughter of the wealthy Evan Gilchrist who she was very close to. At some point, she started dating Jorge Luna and she fell in love with him, a feeling that was mutual. However, she was unaware of Jorge being serial armed robber or any other criminal activities.
Bad Boys[]
Jorge had asked her to drop him off at a Hispanic restaurant, telling her that they were going on a date, there Jorge met Pablo Soza. She was told by Jorge to go home, but she wanted to stay with him, witnessing the robbery in the process. As she was a witness, Pablo took her by force and put her in a car, before they all escaped. Pablo told Jorge that he would take her home, but in reality, Pablo saw her as a threat and loose end, so he tried to kill Valerie, though she managed to flee towards a building, where Pablo shot her once. Pablo left the scene thinking that Valerie had died, unaware she had survived.
She was found and taken to a hospital, where she gave her story. Much later, Jorge was detained and was shown photos of what Pablo had done to Valerie, of how Pablo shot her and left her to her fate. Jorge is later released, but enraged by Pablo's actions, he meets him in an apartment, where he kills him in retaliation for kidnapping and almost killing Valerie.
CPD noted Valerie was their best chance to catch Jorge, as they uncovered her recent calls with Jorge asking for money so he could flee Chicago. They threatened to charge her as an accessory, with her father begging her to cooperate and she agrees to help. She agrees to meet Jorge at designated spot to give the $5,000. Jorge calls Valerie on the phone, saying that during his interrogation he saw the photos about the horrible things that Pablo had done to her, and how he nearly let her bleed to death in an abandoned building. He admits to the murder, stating it was because he genuinely loved her. This declaration left Valerie touched and guilty, through tears Valerie waivers and reveals to the approaching Jorge that it was all a police trap and instructs him to run. Hearing this, Jorge flees in the stolen truck but ends up crashing. As he tries escaping on foot, Valerie is detained by Jay Halstead. Jorge is shot by Ruzek, incapacitating him and allowing him to be arrested.
Because she warned Jorge, Valerie was charged as an accessory and arrested. Evan arrived at the precinct to find her in cuffs, as she continuously begged her stunned father for help. Voight explained to him of how she tried to help Jorge, thereby making the deal null and void, despite Valerie voicing her regrets in doing so. She is hauled off by Kim Burgess, while Voight apologizes to Evan who quickly dials Katherine Brennan, who agrees to secure her release in exchange for his cooperation. Brennan relays this to Voight, stating she was just a misguided girl. While Voight was upset by this, he begrudgingly accepts and Valerie goes free.