Chicago PD Wiki

Teddy Courtney is the son of Barbara "Bunny" Fletcher and the younger half-brother of Detective Erin Lindsay. He was portrayed by Lou Taylor Pucci.

Quick Answers

Who are Teddy Courtney's parents in Law and Order: Special Victims Unit? toggle section
In Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Teddy Courtney is the child of Barbara 'Bunny' Fletcher and an unidentified father. Detective Erin Lindsay is his older half-sister.
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What is the relationship between Teddy Courtney and Erin Lindsay? toggle section
Half-siblings Erin Lindsay and Teddy Courtney shared a close bond in their early years. However, they were separated, during which Teddy was kidnapped by a child trafficking ring and suffered abuse. Erin, meanwhile, engaged in illegal street activities at 15. Upon their reunion, Teddy displayed hostility due to the traumatic events he endured.
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In which episodes does Teddy Courtney appear? toggle section
The character Teddy Courtney, portrayed by Lou Taylor Pucci in the Law and Order: Special Victims series, is introduced in the episode 'They'll Have to Go Through Me'. He is identified as the son of Barbara 'Bunny' Fletcher and the younger sibling of Detective Erin Lindsay.
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How does Teddy Courtney react when he meets Erin and their mother in Chicago? toggle section
Upon meeting Erin and their mother Bunny in Chicago, Teddy Courtney responds with sarcasm and hostility. His reluctance to aid the police and resentment towards Bunny stem from her role in his past, which resulted in him being victimized in a pedophile ring.
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He first appears in the Law and Order: Special Victims Unit episode Chicago Crossover, where he is discovered to have been a victim of a child pornography ring. Teddy was living in New York, as a drug addicted male prostitute and reunites with a guilty Erin. He helped the cops find a middleman in the ring.

Teddy appears again in the P.D. episode They'll Have to Go Through Me. After coming to Chicago, Teddy meets with Erin and their mother at a diner where he makes sarcastic remarks on their little reunion. Erin tries to plead with him for his help but he is reluctant. Bunny tries to make amends with him, but he is hostile to his mother for his tragic childhood problems that led to him becoming a victim in the pedophile ring. This caused her to back down, out of guilt.

Teddy later arrives at the precinct, where Erin introduces him to her squad. Teddy sits for a while, until he notices the board holding all the people possibly connected to the ring. He is able to identify the leader Bill Van Camp, who is a DCFS administrator using his position to abduct kids. As a result, the squad are able to make the arrest, bringing down the ring. Afterwards, Teddy goes to live with his mother and he thanks his sister for putting away his former tormentors and forgives his sister for the past.

Bunny later mentions during a conversation with Erin that Teddy is going to school to become a hotel manager.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Teddy is approximately two years younger than Erin. Erin was 15 when they last saw each other and he was 13.


Season 2
Call It Macaroni Get My Cigarettes The Weigh Station Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw An Honest Woman
Prison Ball They'll Have to Go Through Me Assignment of the Year Called in Dead Shouldn't Have Been Alone
We Don't Work Together Anymore Disco Bob A Little Devil Complex Erin's Mom What Do You Do
What Puts You On That Ledge Say Her Real Name Get Back to Even The Three Gs The Number of Rats
There's My Girl Push the Pain Away Born Into Bad News