Sheldon Jin was a police detective with the Chicago Police Department and was the assigned communications specialist for the Intelligence Section. He was portrayed by Archie Kao.
Quick Answers
Who was responsible for Sheldon Jin's death in Chicago PD?
What was Sheldon Jin's role in the Intelligence Section of the Chicago Police Department?
Did Hank Voight have any involvement in Sheldon Jin's death?
Personal life[]
Sheldon's father was a gambler and Edwin Stillwell used this against Sheldon to get him to give information about Hank Voight.
Jin was the communications specialist for the Intelligence Section and would do a lot of the surveillance, trackers, wiretaps and camera work.
We first see Jin in Stepping Stone, When he asks Erin Lindsay and Jay Halstead if they have seen Voight yet and they told him no. Sitting on a wooden bench. When he sees Voight, he tells him pods showed him something off the side of the road. Confrontation on the Dan Ryan. Voight asks Jin if it was on camera to which he says yes. Voight then asks Jin if it's on any longer to which he says no. Voight says that he can live with that, as he gives Jin a pat on the back. Voight then tells everyone that he found out the name of the dealer they are looking for and then how they are going to set up a controlled buy. Hank then tells him one more thing. They have to keep everything in house so Voight can lie for them and warns them that if they ever go over his head then they will regret it.
When the intelligence unit comes back after the mission failed, Jin comes in and asks Halstead if his transmitter is alright. Halstead says that it got banged up against a wall and gives it to Jin then apologies as he leaves.
Alvin and Adam come to Jin so he could give Adam a radio transmission. However, Jin gives something else different and tells them that it is because they keep breaking the radio transmissions. Alvin then takes the keys and tells Jin to get a radio transmission. Jin goes and then gives one to Adam but tells him that he wants it back.
In Wrong Side of the Bars, Jin finds a video with Antonio's son in it, tied and bound with the kidnapper's making threats. He shows it to Antonio and the unit. Adam points out that the video was taken in a different place judging by the wallpaper.
The unit then looks over the files that crosses Pulpo or Ernesto. Jin tries to keep things organized by telling them which files are which. Voight asks Jin about the video and Jin can only give vague answers. Voight still thanks Jin and Jin then keeps looking in the files for more.
Jin goes to Voight in his office and tells him that a women named, Erica Gradishar called. Voight tells him that he will call her back, but Jin tells him that it sounded argent. Voight repeats the same sentence which cause Jin to leave in discomfort.
Jin plays the cellphone call that Mateo gave to Ernesto. He pins it down to a union station.
In Chin Check, Jin pings Ganz's phone which cause Halstead to compliment him. The calls show that Ganz made calls to this man named Bradley Milner.
In the sting operation, Jin is in a van wearing headphones connected to his laptop. Many other members of the intelligence unit are in the van with the exception of Alvin and Antonio. However, as Alvin is in a car being driven by Ganz, Jin tells everyone that they lost the audio and tracking beacon. Thankfully it all comes back, and Jin is able to track him from a few meters.
Jin is then seen with the others in the district celebrating the win after they arrested Ganz and stopped the cop killing bullets from being spread.
In Now Is Always Temporary, Jinn asks how Nadia described her relationship with Dean Masters to Erin. Erin says that Nadia only met him one day. However, Jin reveals that Nadia knew Dean for two weeks by their text messages.
Sheldon shows the unit pod footage of the van that Nadia described and found out that it belongs to the Tabernacle of Divinity.
Jin did a name check against new leases on commercial property rentals and found out that Glenn Ward is in a foreclosed chemical building.
In Thirty Balloons, Jin manages to get the information on the girl with drugs in her stomach and shares it with Antonio. Jin tells him that four tickets were bought and then shows him footage of the girl, Amber and four of her friends who are all suspected to be mules.
Jin then comes back to the unit and tells them where all of those girls live.
Jin attends a meeting with the intelligence unit on Collins brothers who are part of a drug smuggling operation. Jin says that he thinks they are using throwaway phones since they have caught Amber. Voight then tells everyone to keep searching.
Jin sees Erin and tells her that he has pinned Brendan Collins van she asks were. Jin asks if everything is okay, but Erin just tells him to give her the address.
As the unit drives to the place, Jin is in the district tracks the van and tells the unit where it is.
Jin is able to get calls that were made from Brendon Collin's phone. Only two numbers where their one was to Sean's prepaid cell which was found in a dumpster. The other one was to a Ryan Porter, who they believe is helping Sean Collins.
In Conventions, Jin hands everyone files on the victims of the Riverwalk killer. Jin attends the meeting on this killer with him chiming in that there was no DNA match on any of the victims.
The unit goes undercover in the riverwalk with Jin and Voight being inside a van. Jin tries to make small talk with Voight until he gives him a look and Jin stops talking. Voight asks if he can improve the quality image on the screen, they are watching. Jin does that and they now see a man wearing a hoody which matches the description of what the killer wears.
When they caught the suspect Jin and Voight go to the rest of the team. They learn that the man, Theo Mitchell is just a pickpocket but still take him in to see if he can help them.
Odafin Tutuola and Amanda Rollins from New York come in and give their analogy on this killer. Jin is tasked with looking into this manufacturing trade show convention, the only thing that they can link the killer to. As Jin looks on his monitors with Antonio and Adam. Adam cracks a joke on how Det Rollins is very hot. Antonio jokingly tells Adam that he should say the same thing to his fiancés which gets Jin joining in. Jin then has a list of all the people who attended that convention and show it to the pickpocket. This then leads them to a man named Jeffrey Baker.
Jin and Burgess go to Voights office with a new suspect named Neil Vance. Jin found out that he was in both New York and Chicago on the same time as those murders and rapes. He tells them that it was a team effort although he says it was mostly Burgess.
In The Price We Pay, Jin shows Halstead and Lindsay footage of the Fitori Murder. However, it is too dark to really see anything, but they think they can get more help from camera footage from a building.
Jin comes to tell the unit that he is closer to finding who the driver of the van that was connected to the murder of Frank Fitori.
Erin comes to Voight's office to tell him that Jin has the footage and is now downloading it.
Erin and Voight are with Jin when the download is complete. However, Voight has Jin leave the room which Jin obliges.
Erin goes to Jin and tells him to delete the footage. However, Jin revealed that he had already done that a few hours ago which Erin is pleased with.
Jin goes to Antonio to tell him that a body was just found in the river. Antonio looks at Voight's empty office and leaves.
In Different Mistakes, Jin calls Halstead and tells him that Lonnie Rodiger used is credit card in a toy store. Halstead then tells Jin to text him the address.
Jin tells everyone that he had downloaded all in progress and service calls that were in close proximity to the Chinatown quad. There were calls about three suspicious looking vehicles. He looked into all of them and found out that the third one came back as a ghost and so he ran the license plate in the database and found out that it is back in Chinatown, and probably at another gambling den. Before the unit leaves Voight tells Jin to stop playing around.
Halstead then tells everyone that one of the people in there was a cop which was something that surprised Jin. They learn that the man was Jimmy Shi a detective with his own unit.
Jin comes into the meeting with Shi's unit and Voight tells him to show Mia Sumner around while everyone else works this case. As everyone gears up Jin tells Alvin to be careful and is seen talking with Halstead, Dawson and Atwater.
While they are in Jin's workspace Mia tells Jin that she is not a bad person. However, Jin just tells her that he couldn't care less. Just as Halstead comes in Mia leaves. Jin tells her that she should let Voight know but she tells him that he probably does not care and leaves. When she leaves Halstead thanks Jin for keeping tabs on Lonnie Rodiger's credit card. Jin tells Halstead that he better be right about this or else he will be in trouble too.
In A Material Witness, Jin is mapping out place that kids steal to give to Latin Priests with Adam and Kim there. Jin gives Kim a tracker and warns her to be careful with it. Halstead comes in as Adam and Kim leave. Jin tells Halstead that Lonnie made a purchase in a Home Depot. He bought a two-person tent, kerosene lamp and bug spray. Halstead first thought that Lonnie was going camping. However, Jin then tells Halstead that he also bought some rope and duct tape.
Voight goes to Jin and demands to know what he was helping Halstead with. Jin tells him that he was helping Halstead keep tabs on Lonnie Rodiger's credit card.
In At Least It's Justice, Jin attempts to shut his workspace gate to Halstead when he asks for Lonnie Rodiger's homicide file. He tells Halstead that if he were to help him then Voight would kick him out of intelligence.
Erin had Jin track the serial number of the body they found in the trunk of a car from an artificial hip it had. Jin said that it was faster than running DNA test. Voight chimes in with saying that it was good that he was back to doing his work and not personal favors,
Jin goes in the coffee break room to tell Voight that they found a match for that artificial hip, Dr. Richard Elliot. He was a DNA consultant who had put many criminals behind bars thanks to his expert testimonies and was reported missing by his wife yesterday.
Jin cones into Voight's office and tells him that he made a list of all the licenses plates that were connected to the cars that they found and then put an alert out. He then says that about half an hour ago the police spotted a mustang that had one of the stolen plates in the parking lot of a convention center.
Jin goes to Antoino and tells him that when the investigators were searching at the salvage yard, they found a couple hundred grams of meth and a cache of weapons. However, another thing that was found was a CD that showed the lawyer Caroline Burton and Jacob Sims having sex.
After Halstead is cleared of Lonnie Rodiger's murder, Jin comes in and tells Halstead that he never doubted him.
In Turn the Light Off, Jin shows everyone all the security camera's during the robbery. However, the crew seem to stay out of frame and have their backs toward the cameras making them believe it was an inside job.
Jin attends a meeting with Voight explaining what they now so far about these Colombians they are after. Adam and Alvin come in and tell everyone that they had just killed Lukas Perko by setting him on fire inside his car. Alvin then shows them Perko's phone which Jin takes. Jin tells everyone that Perko's phone had been called 11 times with the calls coming from Statesville Prison.
Voight calls Jin and tells him to look at Miguel Ortega and tells him to look into all the people he has called to as of late. Jin then tells the unit that Miguel Ortega had been visited about nine times and made four calls to his associate, Rolo Ramirez and shows everyone pictures of Ramirez's associates. Adam recognizes one of them, Gustav Munoz as the guy who killed Perko.
Jin is in the room when Voight says they are going to disguise one of their female cops as a hooker. Burgess volunteers to do it much to everyone's surprise. Voight tells Erin that Burgess beaded her to the punch with Erin saying that she is fine with letting Burgess step up. Voight tells Erin that she only let Burgess do it because she wouldn't want anyone seeing her in a dress. Erin said that no one would want to see that. However, Jin says that it's not true. This leads Voight and Erin to give him a look before Jin realizes what he said. He only said that it because Erin is always so self-deprecating. Jin then clears his throat and tells them that he has stuff to do and leaves.
Jin puts a wire on Burgess. However, the wire seems to fail, and he would need time to fix it. Voight says that they don't have that time, and Burgess tells them that she will just call them when she sees Ramirez.
In 8:30 PM, Voight sends Jin to check the second bomb that is in a car and had need dismantled. Jin heads to the place and looks at the timing device that says "8:30 PM". Jin geos to the hospital to tell the unit that they found a print on the device from a man named Pual Watts. He tells them where he lives and already has a warrant for it. Voight tells Jin to give them five minutes before he tells anyone else and then tells Atwater to on the permitter. When Atwater leaves, Jin tells them that the bomb was set to detonate at 8:30 PM making him believe that the bombers made a mistake somewhere. Voight tells everyone to not slow down for anything and that they don't need permission for this. Everyone understands and leaves.
After finding Watts dead in his apartment Voght tells the unit to call Sumner and Jin to find out everything the man had ever purchased. Jin looked into Watts and found out that the man was trolling the website of antigovernment groups, making a list of the people that he had repeatedly contacted. He then showed their photos to the unit and Alvin recognizes one of them.
Voight tells them everything that Patrick Vaughn said to him, which involved another man named Ted Powell. Jin looks for the man and shows everyone a picture of him. Voight recognizes him because he saw him in a crowd of people outside the hospital. Voight tells the unit to look at Ted Powell's father.
Jin is on his computer looking for anything when he finds a video that Powell posted on an antigovernment website. He fists shows it to Halstead and later the FBI. The Video shows Powell explaining his actions and declaring war on the police department and fire department for what happened to his family.
Jin does some digging on Ryan Wilcox a man that is as affiliated with terrorists. He tells the unit that the man owns a garage in an industrial area. Voight tells Jin to stay put as everyone else goes to check it out.
Voight calls Jin to text a photo and plate number on a van that Ryan Willcox purchased, that Powell is now driving. Jin then tells them that the bomb squad is on route.
Voight asks Jin when the bomb squad will get there, and he tells Voight that they are three blocks away.
Jin is in the hospital waiting room with everyone, waiting on an update on Burgess's niece, Zoey. Dr. David Arata comes out and tells Burgess that her niece is going to make it and that it will take a while for her to recover.
In My Way, Jin is with the intelligence unit and opens the door as the van holding Pulpo comes in. Jin watches as Pulpo is escorted out of the van. Jin watches as Pulpo tries to be funny and is then punched in the face by Voight.
As Pulpo is talking with Gustav Munoz, Jin is on his computer listening in on the call. Pulpo then explains how they are going to get to Munoz with Antonio pretending to be a Cartel member that Pulpo sent.
Jin is with the intelligence unit as they are wondering whether or not to trust Pulpo, before Antonio gets upset and leaves.
As the unit get geared up Voight and Jin go somewhere else to discuss something. Voight asks Jin to keep an eye on Sumner and to tell him anything suspicious she does.
Stillwell is in a cafe and is later joined by Sheldon Jin who is revealed to be working as a mole for Stillwell. Stillwell tells Jin that he is doing great and that he just needs more on Voight in a comprehensive report. He then asks Jin how his father is doing, and Jin tells him that he is doing much better and then leaves.
In The Docks, while everyone is in the hospital to see Antonio, Jin is in Voight's office to look for any dirt on him. He plugs a flash drive in Voight's computer and starts downloading everything in it. When Platt sees and questions him about it, Jin tells her that he is just putting in new software in all of the computers. Platt believes this and as she leaves the download is completed.
Jin comes in to tell everyone that a vehicle had been found with a dead man inside, which is believed to be connected with Pulpo.
Stillwell meets Jin in the same cafe and asks what he has. Jin tells Stillwell that he was able to download Voights reports and emails on his computer and then slides him a flash drive. Stillwell demands Jin to get more or else his father will pay the price. After that he gives Jin the flash drive and then leaves.
Voight goes to Jin and asks him if the pods have anything on Pulpo. Jin tells him no and then Voight turns the conversation over to Sumner. Jin gives Voight a folder with all the calls she made. Jin then tells Voight that Sumner made three calls to Edwin Stillwell (a lie).
Jin tells the unit that he just found out that Pulpo's girlfriend used a fake ID and credit card to by a vehicle which he is tracking. However, at that moment Voight tells Sumner that she is being transferred out of this unit and has to pack her things.
After the unit looks into a Russian night club Jin tells them that he has trouble with the emails because they are in Russian.
In A Beautiful Friendship, Jin is talking to Edwin Stillwell on the phone, when Erin comes in. She asks Jin for a favor. Jin is with the unit as they discuss the new case involving the murder of a security guard. When Voight mentions trust, Jin seems to be nervous.
Jin gives Erin a hard flash drive of what she requested.
As Unit look into this case, Jin gets a call from Stillwell. Voight gives Jin permission to leave not knowing that he is working for Stillwell. Jin goes to Stillwell and tells him that Erin Lindsay asked him for blueprints to a jewelry market. However, Stillwell tells Jin that he needs more details, or else Impregnation will get involved with his father. Stillwell drives away in his car as Jin walks. However, Jin then runs face-to-face with Voight.
Voight has Jin drive to the Silos were Voight demands him to explain himself. Jin reveals that Stillwell found out that his father owed money to an underground casino and used it against him. Voight is still furious and reminds him who he works for.
After all of that Jin is still with the intelligence unit as they still work this case.
However, after the case is done and Edwin does not get what he wants things go wrong for Jin. He is seen downloading things on a flash drive while also telling his father over the phone to get out of Chicago. He puts the flash drive into an envelope and his very nervous.
Voight then goes back to the Silos which is now a crime scene with Jin as the victim lying dead, with Stillwell their too. Both Voight and Stillwell stare each other down.
In Call It Macaroni, Voight attends a meeting and is asked if he had anything to do with Sheldon Jin's death. Before, Voight leaves Stillwell tells Voight to stay reachable.
Jay Halstead is given an envelope that was addressed to him. It is the same envelope that Jin had and has the same flash drive inside it.
Jay first shows it to Erin and then sees what is inside the flash drive.
Jay Halstead goes to Voight's office and gives him the envelope with a flash drive in it. Voight goes to Stillwell and shows him all the proof he needs to have him arrested for Jin's murder. However, Stillwell tells Voight that he does then he will drag him down with him. He tells Voight to just let Jin's murder go unsolved as another man who got in over his head in Chicago. After Voight meets Jin's parents, he knows what to do.
Edwin Stillwell’s later seen on a date before he is arrested for the murder of Sheldon Jin with a satisfied Voight watching from afar.
Voight then takes money out of his safe and gives it to Jin's father, to pay off his gambling debts.
Edwin Stillwell killed Jin after he became frustrated that his plan to arrest Hank Voight was not working and tried to pine Voight for his murder. Thankfully the truth was revealed by Voight and Stillwell was arrested.