Chicago PD Wiki

Ryan Bergstrom is a worker in Victor Cullen's company and one of his pseudo-agents hired by the CIA.


Ryan would maintain a life outside of crime, he tried to take the police entrance exam 3 times, failing all 3 times, until he went to work at the security company of an old man, Victor Cullen. Cullen suffered from mental delusions, believing that was a CIA agent, so Cullen hires Ryan along with Clay Carlson and John Radigan for the domestic program "Street Cleaner" which tried to assassinate people who were supposedly a threat to the nation. Ryan along with Clay and John met in a tower of a shopping center to plan the murders. Ryan would be in charge of committing the homicides, killing 3 people: Eddie Diaz a gangbanger whose lawyer managed to beat a manslaughter charge of a little girl, Josh Henderson a hacker of drained the bank accounts of elderly people and was put on probation and Terrence Jenkins a serial rapist of underaged girls who walked because the victims didn't want to testify. They would use different weapons that Cullen had given them. Victor would also talk to Ryan, Clay and John from his supposed boss Carl Jacobs, and of all their supposed missions they went through together, Victor also gave each of his pseudo-agents an armored van, Victor died of a heart attack a few days before the episode.

You Never Know Who's Who[]

At some point, he finds out about Victor Cullen's death, so together with Clay and John they go to the morgue and steal Cullen's body, as he requested before he died. Ryan then takes the corpse to an abandoned place, where he begins to dismember him, trying to remove the chip that Cullen supposedly had but the CPD arrive and Ryan is scared, so he grabs a shotgun and tries to escape through a back exit, but is quickly reached by Jay Halstead, who manages to hit him. Subdued and thrown to the ground, Ryan says that he was a CIA agent and that he had authorization to steal Cullen's body, he is later taken to an interrogation room, where he is questioned by Hank Voight and Jay Halstead, Ryan reveals all the supposed "Street Cleaner" show, Ryan refused to listen to Jay or Hank or give any more information, so they decide to bring in Dr. Daniel Charles, who explains to Ryan Cullen's mental condition, even showing medical records to confirm it. Seeing the evidence, Ryan is stumped, since that everything he had done for Cullen had been for nothing, Ryan tries to justify himself, saying that the guys he killed were criminals anyway. Hank makes Ryan see that regardless of the guys he killed were criminals, he had committed 3 homicides premeditated, Antonio Dawson tries to convince Ryan to reveal the identity of the other 2 accomplices, but Ryan says that Cullen told him that when he dies they contact his supposed boss in DC, a certain Carl Jacobs, Ryan contacts Clay and John for another supposed mission, Alvin Olinsky takes the identity of Jacobs to be able to go undercover at the meeting, but in the end only Clay shows up for the meeting, soon Clay gets upset and when asking Alvin about a mission that Jacobs supposedly had with Cullen realizes that everything is a setup, Clay points his gun at Ryan and calls him a traitor before shooting him in the shoulder, Clay is later shot dead by Antonio Dawson and Ryan is taken to the hospital and left in critical condition from the gunshot.

After recovering, Ryan was presumably arrested for the murders he committed.

Killed Victims[]

Eddie Diaz: (Gangbanger): Shot by Clay Carlson, Ryan Bergstrom, and John Radigan: Mentioned.

Josh Henderson: (Hacker): Shot by Clay Carlson, Ryan Bergstrom, and John Radigan: Mentioned.

Terrence Jenkins: (Serial Rapist): Shot by Clay Carlson, Ryan Bergstrom, and John Radigan: Mentioned.
