Chicago PD Wiki

Reform is the first episode of Season 5 of Chicago P.D.. It is also the 85th episode of the series.


Halstead is shocked when he finds out that Erin Lindsay had left Chicago without notice and on top of that receiving new partner Hailey Upton. Meanwhile, the Intelligence unit investigates an escalating gang war that involves an accidental death of a young child. Voight seeks the help from Antonio Dawson which later asks him to return to Intelligence full time. Also, Burgess returns from her leave.


Main Cast[]

Crossover Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

  • Galen Ryan Kane as James Pell
  • Patrick Byas as Marcus Kelly
  • Adrienne Lewis as Kimona Williams
  • Ayanna Berkshire as Samantha 'Sammy' Jones
  • William Gines as Lawrence
  • Kevin Tre'von Patterson as Daryl
  • Ambria Sylvain as Young Woman
  • Subhash Thakrar as Owner
  • Selena Mirza as Owner's Wife
  • Gary Simmers as Uni
  • Jaqueline DaSilva as Morgan Williams
  • Micah Wilson as Lawrence's Son
  • Izzie Rose as Terrified 7-Year-Old Girl


Erin has officially moved to New York, leaving Jay and Hank to grieve the most. Jay visits Lindsay's empty apartment and finds a picture of the two of them left behind. Hank talks to a therapist about Erin's departure and how he feels lonely but has to go due to a case.

The team goes into an abandoned building to bust a gun deal, but things quickly go sideways. The team is made, and Halstead goes after one of the offenders. He is under heavy fire, and two bystanders are shot. Jay is able to shoot one of the offenders in the abdomen, but he flees. He hears cries in a nearby abandoned building and rushes in to see Upton applying pressure on a gunshot wound of a little girl. The two don't know what happened but quickly rush the little girl to the hospital.

At med, Will informs them that one of the bystanders died, the other, James Pell, was just grazed by a bullet, and the little girl, Morgan Williams, was in bad shape. Hailey and Jay try to talk to James Pell, but he isn't too cooperative, claiming he is still in shock from the incident. Back at the district, Kim informs Voight that the little girl was part of an off-the-books daycare center. Chief Lugo interrupts them to inform Voight about the new reform package, which includes the independent auditor, Denny Woods. Denny tells Voight that he wants to forget their past feud and move on. Voight agrees but isn't too pleased with having Woods back. Also, cameras are installed in the interrogation room as part of the new reform package, creating a trust issue within CPD.

Back at the crime scene, Kim and Alvin are collecting evidence when Alderman Ray Price approaches them to ask for details on the case. Alvin and Ray butt heads, and eventually, Lugo has to come to break them up, telling Al that Ray is an important member of the community. Halstead and Upton finally locate the little girl's mother and bring her to med to be with her daughter. Voight calls Halstead back to the district to inform him that the bullet which hit the little girl was from Jay's gun, meaning he shot the little girl.

Kevin and Adam talk to a CI who says she helped stitch somebody with a bullet wound in the abdomen. She gives them a license plate, and the two officers get an address at Royal Towers. When they hit the apartment, they find a young woman to whom the car belongs. She says her car was stolen and had just filed a police report. With the false lead, they leave the apartment but run into an African American man who looks like the possible suspect. Ruzek and Atwater try to ask some questions, but he is non-compliant, which infuriates Ruzek. Ruzek points his gun at the man and asks him to raise his hands, which the man doesn't do. Atwater tries to deescalate the situation and politely asks the man to lift up his shirt. He does so and reveals no bullet wound, meaning he was not the guy. Later, Atwater approaches Ruzek and tries to reason with him about how he should have handled the situation better. Still, Adam believes it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Meanwhile, Denny tries to blame Halstead for the outcome of the shooting, saying the team should not have carried out the mission near a daycare. Voight continues to have Halstead's back, explaining that fearing for his life, Jay fired one round, which went through the suspect, through a door, and then hit a little girl, but Denny is adamant about burying Halstead. Kim informs Jay that the little girl died, and he rushes to the hospital to see Will. The team continues to find the suspect that Halstead shot and gets a lead, Lil GG. They go to a mini-mart where the store owner's wife ID Lil GG as Cavin Shaw. The team goes to arrest him, leaving Jay on desk duty. Voight tells Jay to go home, and he agrees. Before leaving, Jay asks Voight if he has heard from Lindsay, which he denies. Jay tells Voight that he left a bunch of messages but hasn't gotten a reply, and Voight tells him it's time to move on, that she isn't coming back.

Ruzek, Upton, Atwater, and Burgess go to Calvin Shaw's address but find him dead. They also reveal that he isn't the guy Halstead shot. Hailey goes through Shaw's phone and recovers a text from him and one of the bystanders who was shot, James Pell. They bring him in, and Voight tries to get him to crack, but instead, he lawyers up. Ray Price makes an appearance at the district, telling Hank to release Pell, which he does.

Meanwhile, Jay tries to talk to the little girl's family but drives away emotionally. Price meets up with Voight later and tells him that he will be taking down Halstead with or without Hank's help, and Hank smirks and walks away. Voight confronts Pell again and threatens him with a murder charge. Pell flips and helps set up a meeting with their leader Marcus Kelly.

Adam and Antonio go undercover to meet Marcus, and they are able to confirm him as the suspect that Halstead shot. The team later meets up with Ruzek and Dawson to go over their take-down plan, and Antonio decides to help with the arrest. When they arrest Marcus, he is revealed to have a gunshot wound in his abdomen, which confirms Jay's testimony. Voight later meets up with Alderman Price to update him on the arrest of Marcus Kelly, who happens to be a friend of the alderman. Voight blackmails him with a photo of Ray and Marcus hanging out, asking him to back off Halstead, or the picture will be leaked, damaging Price's reputation. Price agrees, as long as Voight backs off James Pell claiming that he needs Pell on the streets to make money, which Voight can work with.

Price later makes a public statement clearing Halstead for the little girl's death, and in the audience, Denny and Voight watch. Hailey meets up with Jay after the public statement and asks how it went. Halstead tells her it went well, but he is still processing it. She shares that she went through something similar to this before, so she gets how he feels, saying she is here if he needs anything. When asked if he has yet talked to the little girl's mother, Jay says he isn't ready, but with a little push from Hailey, he eventually goes to see the mom. He apologizes and gives the girl's necklace to her mother, and leaves in tears.

At Molly's, Adam and Kim talk, and when Adam suggests going back to his apartment, she quickly declines, saying she is seeing somebody. She says goodnight and leaves the bar. Hank thanks Antonio for his help in the case and asks if he wants his position at Intelligence back, which Antonio accepts.




Halstead: She's not coming back is she?
Voight: Look it was time for her to move on. You need to make peace with it.

Alderman Price: Morgan William's senseless death has caused this city great distress and pain. And as a result, we've gone to great lengths to find someone to blame. Someone to hate. And no one has wanted to hate Detective Halstead more than me. But, the more I learned about what actually transpired that morning, the more I'm convinced Detective Halstead did nothing wrong. In fact, his actions saved several lives, several black lives.

Notes and Trivia[]
