Chicago PD Wiki

Peter Walker is a convicted con artist who secretly exploited Adam Ames, a vulnerable gay College professor into transporting several loads of drugs into Canada.


Peter was close to his brother Marco, despite the latter having an addiction problem.

Peter later did a three-year stint in prison, after conning several elderly people. He was sent to Statesville, where he was cellmates with Johnny Zakarian who was connected to a foreign drug gang and Peter got him to link them up.

Upon release, Peter was put on parole and was provided a residence by Adam Ames, who he met through a prison pen pal system. Ames was secretly gay and having multiple affairs with ex male convicts, besides Peter. Taking advantage of Ames' needs, Peter successfully manipulated him into supplying him with more things to keep him afloat: such as money, food, and other necessities all while Peter supplied with companionship that led to Ames falling for him. However, Peter truthfully had no interest in Ames or men for that matter, never letting it progress. Peter later met Johnny's friend Gregor who took him to his boss Gasper, who allowed Peter to work with him though Peter secretly deemed Gasper as crazy and scary.

Peter later "confided" in Ames that he had a price on his head because he owed someone from prison money. He had believed Ames would use his own money though the latter backed out because his wife had control and would suspect something. As a result, Ames volunteered to transport a large shipment of Heroin across the border, because he had to go to Canada anyway for a lecture. To keep it from being discovered, Peter had Johnny hide the stash in a layer under the carpet in the trunk of Ames' car.

A Night Owl[]

When Ames was arrested in a traffic stop and the drugs confiscated, he refused to divulge Peter's identity to protect him, and Intelligence knew he was protecting the real culprit. They soon discovered the secret apartment and learn Ames' trysts with felons and realize one of them was using him for their own agenda while he believes they were in love. Intelligence find Peter to be the one Ames is protecting, since he was more tender in his letters, and they find a picture of him.

After Intelligence learn he lives at Ames' apartment, Det. Erin Lindsay and Officer Kim Burgess confront Peter who made flirtatious remarks of them before being brought in. When questioned by Lindsay and Det. Jay Halstead on the drugs or the murder of his cellmate, he denies knowledge but is visibly distressed when he is shown a picture of a murdered boy who witnessed Johnny's death. Regardless, Peter does not own up to the crimes and when questioned about the relationship with Ames, he downplays it into him merely cuddling him and that Ames did everything else on his own. This caused the unit to realize he played Ames from the start.

Once Ames' daughter Pearl is snatched by Gasper and his gang, Ames frantically begged Intelligence to talk with Peter. However, they made him realize he was being conned, the tearful man turned on Peter and revealed that Peter had a younger brother Marco who had an addiction problem, but Peter always protected him. This led the unit to track Marco down.

Peter continued to wait in the cage, as Sgt. Hank Voight comes in with a photo of Ames' daughter Pearl with a gun to her head and asks Peter to tell him who is holding her. He again tries to deny everything, until he witnesses his brother Marco being pulled in. Seeing him, he quickly asserts the latter had nothing to do with this and assured his pleading brother that he will help him before watching him be hauled off. Voight showed Peter a brick of heroin and told Peter that he could either put it away or place it in the bed of Marco's truck, pull him over, and arrest him. He also voiced on how that could entail a lengthy sentence at Statesville prison but this all can be avoided unless Peter comes clean about everything. Horrified, Peter looked at Det. Alvin Olinsky who coldly told him don't look at him for help, before Voight once more asks him who took Pearl Ames and he is forced to admit the gang leader that he was working for is named Gasper, who owns a construction site. He then reveals Pearl was in Gasper's trailer after he recognized the background from the picture. This led Intelligence to a raid that ended with Gasper's arrest and Pearl's rescue.

Peter is ultimately incarcerated for drug trafficking and two counts of accessory to murder.

Murders Connected to Peter Walker[]

Johnny Zakarian: (Accomplices): Burned alive by Gasper and his crew: Peter Walker had him put heroin in Adam Ames car and was killed by Gasper and his crew after the police find it in his car.

Michael Perry: (Nine-year-old boy): Shot in the back of the head by either Gasper or his men after witnessing Johnny Zakarian being burned alive.
