Oskar Bembenek was an infamous drug lord.
A notorious crime lord, Osker Bembenek made quite the name for himself in Chicago with various crimes such as prostitution, extortion and drugs. He has always been elusive to the CPD, with Det. Alvin Olinsky once making Bembenek's mistress a CI to bust him. However, Bembenek discovered her betrayal and killed her by stabbing her 25 times, a thing that has Olinsky haunted since.
Bembenek would be put on trial for his mistress's murder with the only evidence of the murder being a blood-stained shirt. After the trial, Bembenek's lawyer got the prosecution to approve a second DNA analysis of Bembenek's shirt. At that moment, Bembenek contacted Jeff, Chris, and Christian. Benbenek gave them the task of stealing the shirt, in order not to be prosecuted and remain free. After three days Luke Hendricks, a company worker who had also been hired by Bembenek, has the company hire Christian and pose him as a passenger in the van that was going to transport Bembenek's bloody t-shirt. Chris and Jeff also go with Fritz Welson to weld a metal plate to the van they were going to use in the robbery.
Call It Macaroni[]
As planned the team managed to get the shirt but not without dropping a few bodies as Jeff Gamble and the van driver were both killed. Chirs Campbell and Christian told Bembenek that they wanted another $20,000 for the delivery of the shirt or else they would deliver it to a police station.
Bembenek considered Luke Hendricks a loose end, so he had men come to his house and then shot him in the stomach.
Alvin Olinsky would come to Bembenek at a restaurant having lunch with his people. Olinsky threw one of Bembeneks men out of his seat and sat on the empty space. He told Bembenek that he knew that he was behind the robbery of that van, but Bembenek would deny it. Olinsky would threaten Bembenek that he will coming for him as he looks Bembenek in the eyes.
Bembenek later had his men go to Fritz Welson's mechanic's shop, where he was also murdered for being a loose end.
Chris Campbell, Christian and another guy meet with Oskar Bembenek, his brother Jacob Bembenek and 2 other guys. There Oskar gives the $20,000 to Campbell. After Campbell gives them the money, he gives the shirt to Bembenek, after confirming that the shirt was the real one, Bembenek ordered his men to kill Chris Campbell, Christian and the other guy for being loose ends. However, Intelligence comes to the rescue as Campbell was setting Bembenek up to avoid major prison time. Bembenek and his brother would try to flee from them but were blocked by Det. Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay.
Jacob gets out of the car and attempts to shoot at the officers but is then shot dead by Jay Halstead. Bembenek is promptly arrested, while screaming his brother's name. After he gets no response, he can only look at his brother's corpse in anguish. While incarcerated, Oskar puts a $100,000 bounty on Halstead for killing his brother.
The Weigh Station[]
Bembenek was visited by Olinsky. The detective tells Bembenek to call off the hit and give up the men who tried to kill Halstead at a bar. However, he denies knowledge of this because of his arrest. Bembenek tells Olinsky that he can't be worried about the outside world. He subtly implies those who wronged him must pay, including Halstead.
From jail, Oskar has hitmen, Patrick Shostak assassinate those involved in his trial or for his personal vengeance. To that end, ASA Steve Kot's daughter is killed and the mother of judge Joseph Murray. After his hitman Shostak was arrested, Olinsky visits Oskar and taunts him on how his followers will be joining him in lock-up. Olinsky also reminds him of the brother of his murdered mistress, stating he went crazy after he discovered Oskar killed his sister and states he is being held at Gen Pop, while awaiting trial for an aggravated assault. Oskar is confused by this, as he voices, he isn't in that prison. To his great dismay, Olinsky reveals that he had his connections transfer him to Gen Pop five minutes ago, presumably to stop Oskar from putting out any further contract hits on Halstead and punish him for his crimes. Horrified, Oskar protests that Olinsky couldn't do this before guards take him away for transfer. As he repeats his protests, a satisfied Olinsky remarks "It's done".
Oskar's fate after arriving at Gen Pop is unknown.
Murders Connected to Osker Bembenek[]
Judy Martin: (Mistress): Stabbed 25 times by Osker Bembenek: Mentioned.
Lee Pritcher: (Truck Driver): Shot in the head by Christian in an armed robbery: Robbery was orchestrated by Osker Bembenek.
Jeff Gamble: (Hired Thug): Shot by a member of the Intelligence unit when he started firing at them in an armed robbery: Robbery was orchestrated by Osker Bembenek.
Luke Hendricks: Shot in the stomach by one of Oskar Bembenek's men: Ordered by Osker Bembenek.
Fritz Welson: Shot in the head by one of Oskar Bembenek's men: Ordered by Osker Bembenek.
Dora Kot: (Daughter of Steve Kot): Shot two times in the head by Patrick Shostak: Ordered by Osker Bembenek.
Unnamed woman: (Mother of Judge Joseph Murray): Shot two times in the head by Patrick Shostak: Ordered by Osker Bembenek.