Chicago PD Wiki

ASA Nina Chapman is the Head of Complex Prosecutions and an Assistant State Attorney for the state of Illinois. She first appeared at the end of Season 9.

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What is ASA Nina Chapman's role in the state of Illinois? toggle section
Nina Chapman is an Assistant State Attorney in Illinois, affiliated with the Illinois State Attorney's Office. She made her debut in the series at the end of Season 9 and continued to play a role in the subsequent season.
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When did Nina Chapman first appear on Chicago PD? toggle section
Nina Chapman, an Assistant State Attorney for Illinois, made her initial appearance on Chicago PD in the closing episodes of Season 9. She is portrayed by actress Sara Bues.
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What makes Nina Chapman a unique character in Chicago PD? toggle section
In Chicago PD, Nina Chapman, played by Sara Bues, stands out as an Assistant State Attorney for Illinois. Introduced in Season 9, her legal role with the Illinois State Attorney's Office adds a fresh dimension to the series.
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Chapman is shown to be very confident and sure of herself and very dedicated to her work. She very rarely crosses lines, regurarly informing the team when they don't have enough for a warrant or to hold an arrest despite the possibility of outcries.

Chicago P.D. Summary[]

Season 9[]

Chapman first appears in the Season 9 finale You and Me and is introduced as the the youngest head of the Complex Prosection office with roughly 6 months on the job. Hank Voight is shown trying to convince her to give out a arrest warrant against crime lord and boss of the gang Los Temidos, Javier Escano. Chapman tells Voight he doesn't have enough for the warrant and Voight threatens her to comply as if she does he will hand her the biggest Cartel-affiliated DTO in Chicago history and Escano himself, and if she doesn't he will ruin her career. In the end Chapman gives Voight search warrants on the properties linked to Escano.

Season 10[]

In Into the Deep Voight is shown trying to get a no-knock warrant for a location suspected of being used for sex trafficing, run by Sean O'Neal although Voight initially refuses to tell her that he is the target.

In The Ghost in You she convices Voight to look into dealer Arturo Morales who had a case against him fall apart due to the dissapearance of his money launderer and confidential informant Tom Villar. After Lonzo Rodriguez tells an undercover Dante Torres that Champan saved Morales from going to prison it is initially suspected that Champan is dirty but it is later uncovered by Voight that Chapman was sexually involved with Villar, she offers to resign but Voight tells her he will find another way and eventually recovers Villar's body and arrests Morales. Voight make's sure Chapman's won't be exposed, saving her career.

In Deadlocked Chapman is shown prosecuting Morales but it is discovered Morales had the wife of a juror kidnapped in a ploy to blackmail him into deliberating his way. The Intelligence Unit recoveres the wife but Voight chose to keep Chapman in the dark, leaving her frustrated and questioning if Voight is still the dirty cop he used to be.

Season 11[]

In Survival Voight requests Chapman's help with the kidnapping and torture of Noah Gorman. When questioned by Voight Noah ID's Zach Jones but Voight and Chapman disagrees on the validity of the ID leading to Chapman eventually going over Voight's head to Chief Thomas Waldron. Chapman later goes to Voight's house to apologize and to admit that Voight was right about Jones not being Noah's kidnapper but informs him that Jones will be arrested on other charges.

In More Chapman helps the team relocate Voight after he is kidnapped by Frank Matson, the man who was discovered to have killed several people and placed them in barrels, including Noah Gorman.

Season 12[]

In Ten Ninety-Nine she is shown helping Voight and the team with warrants and eventually sits down with Voight and discusses why he is running and burning through cases.

In The After Chapman helps Voight and the team with a cold case involving rapes of women that got drenched in bleach, which was a cold case Voight worked 15 years ago. Chapman assists with the case, helping build it from the ground up, ultimately lying to a Judge about a supposed informant to acquire a warrant, leading to an argument in which Voight tells her that she is not supposed to protect him to which she responds that she did it for him, Culminating with her telling him she that she cares about him and has feelings for him before leaving for Denver for a federal RICO case.


Hank Voight[]

Chapman and Voight's relationship started off frosty with Chapman only previously having heard rumors about Voight being dirty and cruel and with Voight threatening her during their first interaction in You and Me but they eventually grow closer, especially after The Ghost in You where Voight saves Chapman's career. In time they are shown to share a close friendship, camaraderie and companionship with eachother, with Voight telling Chapman that he only trust her when she tells him that he can go to other ASA's to get help with warrants.

In the Season 11 finale Chapman is seen worrying about Voight after his kidnapping, calling in every favor she's got to get emergency warrants and is seen coming to his side after he is rescued. In the Season 12 opener she is shown worrying about Voight about the trauma he endured in his kidnapping with him confiding in her, telling him what he saw and heard during the kidnapping, precisely that of having hallucinated his old partner, Alvin Olinsky telling him "There's more" and "You don't get to die yet."

In the episode The After Chapman and Voight grown even closer. The case in the episode was the first one he worked after his Wife Camille died. During a stakeout Chapman ask's Voight about his wife with him telling her she was warm and her responding with it being hard to picture him beloning to someone. Chapman ultimately lies to a Judge about a supposed informant to acquire a warrant, leading to an argument in which Voight tells her that she is not supposed to protect him to which she responds that she did it for him, Culminating with her telling him she that she cares about him and has feelings for him, leaving him speechless, before leaving for Denver and telling him he will see her in a couple of months.

"You do this, you know. You ask me for help, bring me in, and then you push me away. It's like you don't know wheter you want to be alone on your island or not."

-Chapman to Voight in Survival.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • She is one of the few people that regularly call Sargeant Voight by his first name, Hank.
  • In The Ghost in You she is shown owning an Audi A6.
  • She is reguarly shown sharing coffee with Voight.



Season 9
Closure Rage The One Next to Me In the Dark Burnside
End of Watch Trust Me Fractures A Way Out Home Safe
Lies To Protect Still Water Blood Relation Gone
Closer Adrift New Guard Fool's Gold Memory
House of Cards You and Me
Season 10
Let it Bleed The Real You A Good Man Dónde Vives Pink Cloud
Sympathetic Reflex Into the Deep Under the Skin Proof of Burden This Job
Long Lost I Can Let You Go The Ghost in You Trapped Blood and Honor
Deadlocked Out of the Depths You Only Die Twice The Bleed Valve Fight
New Life A Better Place
Season 11
Unpacking Retread Safe Harbor Escape Split Second
Survival The Living and The Dead Proof Somos Uno Buried Pieces
The Water Line Inventory More
Season 12
Ten Ninety-Nine Blood Bleeds Blue Off Switch The After Water and Honey
Pawns Contrition Penance Friends and Family Zoe
In the Trenches, Part III The Good Shepherd Street Jesus