Chicago PD Wiki

Nadia Decotis was an administrative assistant for the CPD Intelligence Unit. She was portrayed by Stella Maeve.

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Who portrayed the character of Nadia Decotis on Chicago PD? toggle section
American actress Stella Maeve portrayed the character Nadia Decotis in the TV series Chicago PD during 2014 and 2015.
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How did Nadia Decotis turn her life around in Chicago PD? toggle section
Stella Maeve's character, Nadia Decotis, was initially a drug-addicted underage prostitute. Erin Lindsay's persistent efforts helped Nadia overcome her addiction. Nadia then studied Criminology with an ambition to join the Chicago PD's Intelligence Unit. Tragically, she was abducted and killed by Gregory Yates in New York. Despite her demise, she left crucial evidence leading to Yates' incarceration.
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What was Nadia Decotis's profession before joining the CPD Intelligence Unit? toggle section
Nadia Decotis, a character from Chicago P.D., was an underage prostitute and drug addict prior to her involvement with the CPD Intelligence Unit. Following her arrest by Erin Lindsay, Nadia successfully overcame her addiction, pursued studies in Criminology, and served as an administrative assistant for the CPD Intelligence Unit.
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What was Nadia's relationship with Erin Lindsay on Chicago PD? toggle section
In Chicago PD, Nadia Decotis and Erin Lindsay developed a strong bond. Lindsay played a crucial role in helping Nadia recover from drug addiction and secure a job. Nadia lived with Lindsay and served as the administrative assistant for the Intelligence Unit. Lindsay's encouragement inspired Nadia to pursue a career as a Chicago Police Officer. Despite these positive changes, Nadia's life ended tragically.
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How did Nadia Decotis's character exit from Chicago PD? toggle section
In Chicago PD, Nadia Decotis, played by Stella Maeve, served as an administrative assistant for the CPD Intelligence Unit. Previously an underage prostitute and drug addict, she was aided by Erin Lindsay. Her character was tragically killed off-duty by Gregory Yates, marking her exit from the series.
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Nadia was an underage prostitute and drug addict at the time of her arrest by Erin Lindsay. Erin tried and failed twice to help Nadia get clean, but succeeded the third time and helped Nadia turn her life around.

Season 1[]

Erin runs into Nadia at the beginning of Turn the Light Off, and later in the episode, when Kim Burgess needs a partner to go undercover with as working girls, Erin asks Nadia. Kim and Nadia get into a situation where one of them is forced to do drugs, and Nadia steps up to not blow their cover, although she had worked hard to be one month sober. Ultimately, the pair played a big part in bringing down the targets.

Season 2[]

Nadia works as the Intelligence Unit's Administrative Assistant by answering calls at the precinct and running errands. She has formed a very strong bond with Erin, her roommate and savior. Erin acts like a foster mother to Nadia, allowing her the comfort she needed to stay clean.

Nadia went to school and was studying Criminology with plans to become a Chicago police officer, aiming for Intelligence. She was later abducted to New York City by Gregory Yates, where she was raped, tortured and murdered. She was found in the woods of Pelham Bay Park, in the Bronx, that also contained many other bodies that Yates and his former colleague killed. However, in death, Nadia ultimately helped put Yates away in prison, leaving enough evidence to help convict Yates, saving countless other women.(verification needed) Nadia was mourned by all her fellow CPD colleagues, and her name was added to the outside memorial of fallen CPD officers.

Season 3[]

In The Song of Gregory Williams Yates, a picture of Nadia is seen on the board in the Intelligence office, along with pictures of Yates' other victims. Despite warnings from the unit, Erin goes to confront Yates and kills him in self-defense, avenging Nadia's death.



Season 1
Stepping Stone Wrong Side of the Bars Chin Check Now Is Always Temporary Thirty Balloons
Conventions The Price We Pay Different Mistakes A Material Witness At Least It's Justice
Turn the Light Off 8:30 PM My Way The Docks A Beautiful Friendship
Season 2
Call It Macaroni Get My Cigarettes The Weigh Station Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw An Honest Woman
Prison Ball They'll Have to Go Through Me Assignment of the Year Called in Dead Shouldn't Have Been Alone
We Don't Work Together Anymore Disco Bob A Little Devil Complex Erin's Mom What Do You Do
What Puts You On That Ledge Say Her Real Name Get Back to Even The Three Gs The Number of Rats
There's My Girl Push the Pain Away Born Into Bad News