Chicago PD Wiki

Mark Hansen is a serial killer who would target Chicago's rich.


One night, Mark was returning from a meeting with his parents while they were in their car, but a drunk driver, who was a director of a wealthy company, ends up crashing his car into his parents', Mark's parents end up dying while he survives, the drunk driver hit the run and hired a good lawyer so he only spent 2 years in a fancy prison, in Mark's mind it was money that killed his parents, and it was also money that set him free to the murderer, he would begin to study history, ending up obsessed with the Greek king "Lantos" who murdered the wealthy elite who had murdered his people, Lantos also made altars to honor his victims to appease the gods and at the same time asking forgiveness to the dead, Mark feels an affinity for the mission of freeing the world from the privileged of Lantos, he also planned to commit suicide on his 34th birthday, as Lantos did, before murdering his victims he would enter their homes and steal an object personal, leaving a window open on purpose, his first victim was Lisa Zhao, he murdered her with several stab wounds to the stomach, then took her to an old abandoned drain, leaving her to bleed to death, after Lisa's death, Mark put purple flowers around his corpse, he also built an altar for all his next victims, later he murdered Leo Santosa in the same way a year later and 3 weeks before the episode he murdered Gary Dunne, in his apartment Mark left the personal belongings of his victims as memory.

Under the Skin[]

At the beginning of the episode, he murders Thomas Quinn with several stab wounds, Mark puts the corpse in his trunk, he had planned to leave it in the same abandoned drain, but ended up panicking and left the corpse in an alley, soon he would find his next victim, Linda Moore, for which he would go to her house, entering through the back door and leaving a window open, shortly after Mark chases Linda in his car, taking her out of her car and putting her in his trunk, a security camera saw him captures on video, thus managing to be identified, Trudy Platt discovers that after the death of Mark's father he would inherit his father's house, using the name "Lantos" in the deeds,Kim Burgess and Adam Ruzek arrive at the house, but Kim does not he was able to get in because he didn't have his service weapon, though he would end up going in anyway, there Adam and Kim discover Linda Moore bleeding to death on the floor of a basement room, Adam hears a noise upstairs and goes to investigate, there he discovers in one of the rooms to Mark, Mark questions if Linda was dead, Adam lies that Linda was already dead, Mark tries to commit suicide but Adam lunges at him stopping Mark from killing himself, Adam informs Kim that he was fine and Kim mentions that she would call the paramedics for Linda, Mark learns that Linda was not dead and calls Adam a liar, he is subsequently arrested and charged with all his murders and kidnappings.
