Chicago PD Wiki

Mackie Carter is a heavy hitter who had ties with Darius Walker.


Mackie Carter would become a heavy hitter who was even connected Darius Walker, who let him sell on his block. Carter had an enforcer, Book Barr, However, he was not loyal. Barr would steal the uncut product from Carter and then cuts it himself and sold it as his own. He then got a teenage boy who grow on his block to sell it. The product then kills 4 people which gets the attention of authorities.


Intelligence would become aware of Carter and his Connection to Walker. Walker would be wired up and set to meet with Carter.

Darius would see Carter accompanied by an enforcer. Darius tells Carter that he is going to buy Carters supply something that Carter does not like. Just when one of Carter's men is about to do something Darius enforces handles him. Darius exerts his power over Mackie and tells him that he will give him a good price before leaving.

Darius and Carter would make the exchange, but Darius pretended to find a tracker on Carters car and drive as soon as the police did with Carter arrested. Voight congratulates Darius but needs him to answer his question. Voight asks him if he ordered the hit on Darius and Darius told him he did and then leaves in his car.

Carter would be in interrogation with Adam Ruzek and Kevin Atwater trying to get him to flip on Walker but Carter refuses as he is not a snitch.

Murders Connected to Mackie Carter[]

4 unknown people: died from the product that was sold Book Barr, which he stole from Mackie Carter: Mentioned.

Book Barr: Inhaled the product that he was trying to steal from Mackie Carter.
