Chicago PD Wiki

Lucasz Gregorie is a career criminal whom Ian Marks contacted to commit a robbery after Josie told them that Sergeant Hank Voight had a safe with money in it, in which she found out about from Olive.


Prior to his debut, he killed an elderly couple in Philadelphia for ten grand. He was described by associates as a very deranged man. However, he proved elusive for the authorities who were unable to detain him.

An Honest Woman[]

When Olive got drunk at a bar, she revealed to her friend Josie that her boyfriend's father Hank Voight had a safe full of money that was confiscated from criminals. Josie relayed this to Ian Marks who brought in Lucasz for help in attacking the police, Sergeant. They broke into Voight's house, subduing Voight after a struggle before kidnapping him and Olive, while also taking the safe.

He tortured Voight by striking him in his wounded ribs with a crowbar and demanded the combination, but Voight wouldn't budge. To get answers, Lucasz had Marks placed a bag on Olive's head while knowing she and her unborn baby would suffocate. Once Hank gave it up, he requested they take the bag off her, but Lucasz coldly would not budge. They are forced to leave Hank and Olive after his team breach. While fleeing with the money, Josie would pay a homeless man to burn the van.

After turning himself over to CPD, Marks agreed to help bring in Lucasz, but the latter quickly discovered the setup and kills Marks with a shot to the head, flees with the money through the crowd, then takes a woman hostage, but is approached from behind by Jay and Erin and they managed to arrest him. He drops his weapon and releases his hostage, promptly being cuffed. An enraged Voight then proceeds to grab him, before he goes through the duffel bags and finds his money but notices something missing. He then throws the man down for answers while the squad look away. After checking his back pockets, Voight finds the blue folder containing the item he was looking for and ordered Lucasz be put on his feet. Grabbing Lucasz, Voight tells his squad that he will take care of him and hauls the protesting man off for a serious discussion.

Sometime later, Voight took Lucasz to The Silos, where he was greatly afraid of what the angry Sergeant will do to him, breathing heavily while his abductor stares at the city of Chicago, before approaching him while armed with his gun. Ultimately, Voight spared his life by settling for beating him senseless for his actions of attacking him and his family, as well as stealing from him and killing people in front of him. He then comes back into the precinct with an apprehended but bruised and bloodied Lucasz. Sergeant Trudy Platt tells Lucasz that he will be transferred to booking by two officers. However, Voight stops the transporting officers to tell the man he will one day believe he is lucky to have survived. Lucasz said nothing in return, tensely staring at Voight before the latter lets him get taken away.

Ultimately, Gregorie is charged for the robbery, kidnapping, and Marks' murder. Voight later mentions to his son Justin that Lucasz will never see the outside of a cell, effectively ending his criminal spree.

Killed Victims[]

Two unknown people: (Elderly Couple): Killed in an unspecified way by Lucasz Gregorie: Mentioned.

Ian Marks: (Partner in crime): Shot in the back of head by Lucasz Gregorie.
