Chicago PD Wiki

Kenny Rixton is a former member of the CPD Intelligence Unit who replaced Adam Ruzek while he was undercover. He was portrayed by Nick Wechsler.

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What led to Kenny Rixton replacing Adam Ruzek in the CPD Intelligence Unit? toggle section
Adam Ruzek's position in the CPD Intelligence Unit was filled by former Narcotics officer Kenny Rixton when Ruzek undertook an undercover assignment. Upon finishing his undercover work, Ruzek sought to reclaim his Intelligence Unit role but discovered it occupied by Rixton. Despite discussing the matter with Voight, Ruzek couldn't reclaim his old role and was reassigned to uniform duty.
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What is the backstory of Kenny Rixton's relationship with Voight? toggle section
Kenny Rixton, portrayed by Nick Wechsler on Chicago P.D., stepped into the Intelligence Unit during Voight's undercover assignment. Upon Voight's return, Rixton had to leave the position. Despite disagreements, Rixton complied with Voight's directives, notably during an incident involving two boys seeking sanctuary in a church. Rixton disclosed to Ruzek, who aspired to reclaim his former position, his close friendship with Ruzek's father.
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Why did Adam Ruzek leave Chicago P.D. in season 4? toggle section
In Chicago P.D. Season 4, Adam Ruzek, played by Patrick John Flueger, was preparing for what he believed could be his final day as a police officer. His colleague Al invited him to meet a Confidential Informant, who surprisingly turned out to be Voight, resulting in Ruzek's shock.
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Who portrayed the character of Kenny Rixton in Chicago PD? toggle section
Actor Nick Wechsler played the role of Kenny Rixton in Chicago PD. Rixton, a former CPD Intelligence Unit member, stepped in for Adam Ruzek during his undercover assignment.
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He debuts in "Don't Read the News", where he is introduced as Ruzek's replacement and Voight reveals he used to work with Kenny at Gangs unit. He is partnered with Kevin Atwater and has a rough start with his new colleagues because he didn't seem like a team player into an investigation of a murdered girl by the hands of a resurfaced serial killer. However, he earns respect when he was able to deduce the killer's movements and finds incriminating evidence that helps Intelligence bust the perp.

During "Sanctuary", Kenny is upset by two boys suspected of rape and murder claiming sanctuary in a church. Kenny begs the Father of the church not to aid them but complied with the orders of Voight. Much later, he joins the team in getting the boys to safety after the building is set aflame. However, the boys were cleared of murder after a new suspect emerged and he joined in the pursuit.

In "Favor, Affection, Malice or Ill-Will", Kenny bumps into Ruzek when he returns before he could talk Adam walks off. While Adam is cleaning his locker, Rixton tells him that he was good friends with his father. He also reveals he has accepted a job offer to be the second hand of a narcotics team, to which Ruzek then returns to Intelligence.


  • He was previously partnered with Bob Ruzek.
  • He has an unnamed girlfriend


Season 4
The Silos Made a Wrong Turn All Cylinders Firing Big Friends, Big Enemies A War Zone
Some Friend 300,000 Likes A Shot Heard Around the World Don't Bury This Case Don't Read the News
You Wish Sanctuary I Remember Her Now Seven Indictments Favor, Affection, Malice or Ill-Will
Emotional Proximity Remember the Devil Little Bit of Light Last Minute Resistance Grasping for Salvation
Fagin Army of One Fork in the Road