Chicago PD Wiki

Katherine Brennan is a dirty cop and a former First Deputy Superintendent for the Chicago Police Department. She held the second highest rank office in the CPD until her arrest in Season 7.

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What led to Katherine Brennan's arrest in Season 7? toggle section
In Season 7, Katherine Brennan, ex-First Deputy Superintendent for the Chicago Police Department, was implicated in Kelton's murder. The weapon used was linked to a police raid and an officer close to Brennan. She had been covering this officer's rent and had possession of his gun and car. Upon confrontation by Voight, Brennan confessed, resulting in her arrest and a three-year sentence for murder.
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How did Katherine Brennan rise to the position of Deputy Superintendent? toggle section
Katherine Brennan, previously the First Deputy Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, secured her role through political strategies. She prioritized her career position over justice, endorsing multiple politicians for the Mayor of Chicago role. Her tenure concluded with her arrest in the seventh season.
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What is the significance of Katherine Brennan's family background in the police force? toggle section
Katherine Brennan, previously the First Deputy Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, leveraged her family's political influence to secure her high-ranking position. Her primary interest was in maintaining her status, even supporting various mayoral candidates in Chicago. Her tenure ended with her arrest in Season 7 due to corruption.
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How did Katherine Brennan's political maneuvers impact her career in the Chicago Police Department? toggle section
Katherine Brennan, once First Deputy Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, leveraged politics to climb the ranks. She backed several politicians for Chicago's mayoral position, aiding her rise to the CPD's second highest office. Nevertheless, her political strategies backfired when past allegations emerged, prompting her resignation and eventual arrest in Season 7.
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Brennan obtained the rank of Deputy Superintendent through politics; she doesn't care about justice, but her position. In fact, she supported various politicians to the post of Mayor of Chicago.

She mentions that her family is a generation of policemen during a conversation with Hank Voight.

Season 6[]

In New Normal, Brennan's first appearance shows her arriving to a crime scene involving bad dope, under the belief of Voight's lying about why he shot the man who ordered Alvin Olinsky’s death. She tells him it is being investigated as a homicide, leading for her to suspend Voight, who temporarily puts Antonio in charge of Intelligence.

Voight returns to the scene of the shooting and realizes the presence of a surveillance camera that captured the incident. Unfortunately, Internal Affairs already got the footage an hour ago, with Brennan denying that they have it. Voight confronts Brennan, knowing she is using him for something. He still believes it’s so she can fire him, once again making reference to “white, middle-aged cowboy cops"; she once again denies this, and refuses to say anything about her motives.

Brennan demands Antonio to catch whoever is making this bad dope. She tells him that it is looking very bad as body are dropping all over the city. Antonio tells Brennan that he is trying his hardest, but she does not care and just wants him to solve this case.

Later, Antonio tells Brennan that it was Voight who made it possible to close the case. Brennan is thus motivated to apologize to Voight. She’s seen the film of the shooting now, conveniently, and is willing to persuade the powers that be that it was a good shoot, under the condition that Voight agrees to help her, help her boss get elected as Chicago Mayor. She wants him to close, or possibly not close, certain cases at her direction. Voight says his price for becoming her new “friend” is clearing Olinsky’s name so that Meredith can collect her husband’s pension.

In Bad Boys, Brennan comes to the scene of a crime were a car that was stolen from little village was torched and a daughter of a very powerful man is missing. Brennan tells Voight to find the girl, although Voight thinks this has more to do with her political plans.

After Mr. Gilchrist's daughter is found Brennan goes to the hospital. She was talking to Burgess when she saw Mr. Gilchrist. Brennan tells Mr. Gilchrist that she and her bosses will catch the guys who kidnapped his daughter and was trying to make him an alley. However, Mr. Gilchrist does not appreciate it says the reward money he put to help was the reason they found his daughter.

Brennan goes into Voights office. She learned that Mr. Gilchrist daughter is criminally involved in this case and wants Voight to arrest her. However. Voight wants to use the girl to draw out Jorge Luna. Voight manages to do this by frighting to tell everyone about Brennan wanting to make Mr. Gilchrist look bad and letting a killer walk free.

Gilchrist makes a deal with Brennan that not only he will stop criticizing Breian Kelton but will also support the man so that is daughter is not imprisoned.

In Ride Along, Brennan has Burgess to a ride along for a Kendra Barnes whose mother is a very liked Pastor.

However, while doing the ride along Burgess engages with a robbery offender and also saves a man. Brennan tells Burgess to lie about Kendra not being in the car which she does do. However, Brennan pretends not to mention it when Burgess wants to use Kendra in the robbery case.

Brennan has also made friends with Alderman Jason Collick and his wife, Allison; when the latter is murdered in True or False, she takes it personally, demanding Voight arrest someone by the end of the first day of the case. When Intelligence arrests an innocent man who kills himself in his detainment cell, Brennan becomes more afflicted, choosing to address the unit's officers were only following protocol, to which Voight agrees. During the time in which Intelligence finds out Collick is the man responsible for the murder, she is met with shock and anger; she sets up a meeting by the crime scene and is immediate to tell her subordinates to "take him."

In Descent, Voight goes to Brennan to have Patrick Carter released so he can get one of his guys out of a jam, but Brennan can't since Kelton already told the press that they caught Patrick Carter.

In Trust, Brennan attends a fundraiser and is the one who introduces everyone in the room to Brian Kelton who then takes the stage and gives a good speech. After Brenie Hoffman is murdered Brennan and Kelton arrive and talk to intelligence before leaving. Brennan later goes to Griffin and tells him that the police were looking his way. This caused Griffin to kill his cousin and shoot Kevin Atwater. When Kevin is shot and rushed to the hospital Brennan comes to the hospital. After Griffin is arrested Brennan goes to Voight and tells him to let Griffin go because the evidence, they have agents him is weak. However, Voight tells Brennan that he knows that she talked to Griffin and that Kelton is involved too. Brennan defends herself and Kelton as well. She then has Griffin released much to Voight's anger. Voight goes to Brennan and Kelton as the two are out in public talking to voters. Halstead manages to stop Voight from making a scene as Kelton and Brennan look and walk past him.

In What Could Have Been, Brennan goes to Voight after the murder of Kelton's consultant Blair Williams. She wants Voight to keep as little known to the public as possible and Voight agrees.

In Sacrifice, after a crew robs a truck full of pharmaceuticals Brennan shows a newspaper that makes Kelton look bad. Brennan wants Voight to solve this case, but Voight tells her that it will take some time. Brennan tells Voight that she knows that he does not like Kelton, but he just has to do good by Kelton or else. After Adam Ruzek comes and tells Voight about the progress on the case Brennan leaves.

Voight goes to Brennan asks her if he can use some of the pharmaceuticals they sized to use in an operation, however she already handled the problem. She tells Voight that it is because she watched her mother suffer from those meds. Voight then tells Brennan that she is better than Kelton.

In Confession, Voight asks Brennan to keep Alex Del Toro in Chicago so they can build a case against him. She does that but wants to talk to Voight about something else. She tells Voight that she knows he tipped off a reporter about how Kelton handled the serial killer. She tells Voight that it is pointless, and that Kelton will win no matter what. Voight tells her that he needs to do it because Kelton will disband intelligence once he is elected.

Brennan support for Brian Kelton as Mayor of Chicago comes to a head when she is threatened about previous allegations being released. Kelton gets her to say that she was the one who allowed the serial killer to continue his rampage or else he will charge him with all the things she did for him. After she tells the press that she was the one who allowed the serial killer to continue his rampage she resigns from the Chicago Police Department. Voight comes to see her, and she warns Voight that Kelton his no going to be coming for him.

In Reckoning, Brennan acted as a confidential informant for Voight until Kelton ultimately won the election.

She would come to See Kelton to remind him of what she sacrificed for him. However, Kelton laughed at her and her to stay away from him. This made her so enraged that she killed Kelton with the gun of an old friend and left the scene.

Season 7[]

Brennan shows up to the scene where Kelton was murdered. Throughout the investigation, Intelligence learns that the gun which was used to kill Kelton was taken from a police officer raid a few years back. The officer who took the gun was a known friend of Brennan's (they even dated briefly). It's also learned that Brennan had been paying for the officer's apartment rent, and that she took the gun and the officer's car.

Voight visits Brennan at her home and tells her that he knows she killed Kelton after he laughed at her and told her to stay away from him. She tells him she "had to do it." Voight then leaves with the intent of giving her an hour to let her get her affairs in order. Detective Jay Halstead, suspicious that Voight left without arresting her, enters Brennan's house through the back door which was open. He finds her in full uniform loading a revolver. Brennan points it at Halstead, who draws his weapon at her, before turning it on herself, to Jay's protests; Detective Hailey Upton then enters and scares Brennan, who blindly fires the revolver into the ceiling before it is recovered by the two detectives.

Halstead and Upton then take Brennan into custody and place her under arrest for the murder of Kelton. Upon arrival in the motor-pool, Sergeant Platt starts to walk Brennan inside. Brennan stops and expresses her anger toward Voight because he told her he would give her an hour and lied to her. She is then taken to be processed, to Voight's barely controlled anger.

She was then found guilty of murder and incarcerated for three years.

Murders Connected to Katherine Brennan[]

DeVante Boyed: (Cousin of Andre Griffin): Shot in the chest by Andre Griffin: Andre Griffin was warned by Katherine Brennan that the police were looking at him.

Brian Kelton: (Former Supporter): Shot in the chest and face by Katherine Brennan.

Trivia & Notes[]

  • Her full name is mentioned in S6 E03. ("Deputy Superintendent Katherine Brennan").
  • Her name is mentioned in S6 E03, ("Deputy Superintendent Katie Brennan").
  • Her rank is mentioned in S6 E04, ("First Deputy Brennan").


Season 6
New Normal Endings Bad Boys Ride Along Fathers and Sons
True or False Trigger Black and Blue Descent Brotherhood
Trust Outrage Night in Chicago Ties That Bind Good Men
The Forgotten Pain Killer This City What Could Have Been Sacrifice
Confession Reckoning
Season 7
Doubt Assets Familia Infection, Part III Brother's Keeper
False Positive Informant No Regrets Absolution Mercy
43rd and Normal The Devil You Know I Was Here Center Mass Burden of Truth
Intimate Violence Before the Fall Lines Buried Secrets Silence of the Night