Chicago PD Wiki

Jake McCoy is an old friend of Alvin Olinsky and the murderer of Maya Collins.


Alvin Olinsky mentions that he met McCoy ten years before the events of the episode, with them being good friends. Jack would go onto become a famous baseball player, earning a wealthy lifestyle for himself. A few months before the events of the episode, he would get drunk and have a traffic accident, after surviving he would seek to do some good deeds once Alvin put in a good word for him. As a result of his epiphany, he started helping others get on the right path, so as to not end up on a bad path like him. He also got closer to his daughter, who he previously neglected in the past.

McCoy would meet Maya Collins in a club 2 months before the episode, Maya would tell him that she felt trapped and scared inside the club, Jake would take her to his house with other girls, interviewing them about their experiences being prostitutes, recording the interviews he did with them about their lives. Many of the girls were surprised by his genuine desire to help, some of them opened up and talked to him while noting on how they hated what they become and were punishing themselves. Due to his guidance, some of the girls got clean and went to rehab for more help. Maya remained at the house, still struggling.

Prior to the start of the episode, Jake would realize that Maya was stealing money and watches from him to give to her pimp Saint when he returned early from a hunting trip. He angrily confronted her about it, leading to an argument. Blinded by anger, he would end up pushing her, this would cause Maya to fall and hit her head on a table, blood would begin to flow. A scared Jake saw that Maya had already died, rather than call the police to explain, he instead called former employee Freddy Mays, who would have him the scene looked like a robbery as McCoy fled to the house of his daughter, Marley, so he could have an alibi.

Some Friend[]

The episode begins with Mike Sorensen and Kim Burgess entering McCoy's house to investigate a noise complaint, Mike sees blood in one of the entrances and when they break in, they see the body of Maya Collins in the living room.

Days after Maya's death, Jake calls his old friend Alvin and asks to meet him at a baseball field, Alvin and Jake meet, talking about things from their past. After a few minutes of talking, Jake pulls a gun out of a bag and attempts to commit suicide, but Jay Halstead and Kevin Atwater arrive, taking Jake's gun before he can commit suicide, before being arrested Jake once again tells Alvin that he did not kill Maya Collins. During his interrogation, Jake and his lawyer refused to talk unless Alvin is conducting the interview and it was permitted.

After Alvin entered, Jake blamed Maya's pimp, Saint who was brought in after he was caught pimping underaged girls. Saint revealed he didn't kill Maya and he got Jake's belongings as gifts from her. After an arduous investigation, it is discovered that James McCoy's former employee, Freddy Mays, was involved in a way. Wanting facts, Alvin personally goes to talk to Mays and after threatening him with a baseball bat Mays confesses that he helped McCoy, making the scene look like a robbery. Having gotten truth, Alvin goes to the interrogation room to talk with Jake, who aware that he knows the truth confesses to Alvin everything that happened. After a tearful confession, he looks to Alvin again for help in what he should say, as the latter was unsure. Alvin reported the confession and it was noted that Jake was looking at serious time for the accidental murder, with Jake's lawyer sarcastically calling Alvin "some friend".

McCoy would later be arrested for the murder of Maya Collins.
