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Ghosts is the eighteenth episode of Season 5 of Chicago P.D. It is also the 102nd episode of the series.


Upton brings back an old undercover identity to help take down a meth ring spearheaded by a former criminal contact. With pressure from Woods mounting, Voight calls in a favor for Olinsky.


Main Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

  • Ian Casselberry as Carlos Perez
  • Sam Straley as Tyler Whitlock
  • Francis Guinan as Jeff Rafferty
  • Titus Welliver as Ronald Booth
  • Christian Forrest as Scott Jansen
  • Christoph Ptack as Priest


Voight meets Al at a park and tells him there are rumors about how Internal Affairs will convey a grand jury soon. He tells Al that he will turn himself in if things go south, but Al tells him that he knows what he got himself into. Voight receives a message from Antonio saying that he is about to do a deal without a group from Texas making liquid meth. The team waits around a warehouse for Antonio's signal to move in, but they quickly hear shots and move in. Antonio and his inside man flee the scene, not wanting to get roped into this mess. Hailey, Jay, Adam, and Kevin arrive at the warehouse entrance and find a dead body lying in the middle of the road. Hailey quickly spots a trail of fresh blood going into the warehouse, and they move inside and find a severely injured man. Hailey approaches the man, who quickly recognizes her and calls her Kelly. He is surprised to know that Kelly is a cop and before Hailey can ask questions, he dies. Outside the warehouse, Hailey tells Voight and Jay about her history with the victim Scott Janson. Janson was part of a meth distribution crew led by Ron Booth. She went undercover as Kelly 3 years ago. She was able to arrest Booth, but he had gotten out of prison a few months ago with early parole. Voight and Jay quickly realize that Hailey isn't a fan of Booth but leave it at that.

Back at the district, Ruzek plays the security footage from the warehouse, which shows 3 unidentified males get out of a van, shoot Scott and another man, and leave. Voight asks if Hailey recognizes anyone else from the video. However, she says none of them were part of Booth's old crew but still believes that Booth had something to do with the shooting. Voight agrees and has Halstead, Burgess, and Upton do surveillance of Booth. They watch Booth and his men outside of a building that happens to be where Booth runs his business. Kim tells them that one of the DOAs had called Booth 15 times last week, confirming that Booth was related to the case. Jay spots a camera outside the building and asks how they will get eyes inside, and Hailey quickly offers herself up.

Back at the district, Hailey tells Voight and Halstead that she wants to bring back her undercover character Kelly to bust Booth. She claims it's the best way to solve the case, but Voight has doubts regarding her past with Booth. In the old case file, Hailey was sent under with another cop, Garrett Thompson, who was killed by Booth during the operation. Hailey tells them that Booth never liked Garrett; one day, Garrett was gone. They could never find his body, so they couldn't build a murder case against Booth, but Hailey was sure that Booth had killed him. Hailey tells Voight that once she gets close with Booth, she can pitch Jay as a potential buyer and bust Booth. Voight signs off on the cover as long as Hailey solves the case to put a drug dealer in prison, not get revenge for Garrett's death, to which Hailey accepts. Later, Hailey and Jay set up Kelly's undercover apartment, which is disgusting. Halstead is shocked to see the home's condition, but Hailey tells him how this is all Kelly can afford.

The next day, Hailey shows up at Scott Janson's funeral as Kelly, and Booth is surprised to see her back from Iowa. She tells him she left town right when he got locked up, scared that the cops were after her. She saw Scotty's picture in the news and decided to come pay her respects. While they are talking, Kim and Jay sit nearby, listening to the conversation. Jay is confused when Booth apologizes for what happened at the New Year's party, wondering what he was talking about, but Hailey quickly dismisses it, claiming they were all a little crazy back then. She changes the subject, asking whether Booth is back in his meth business, but he declines, saying he is in the paint business. Hailey ignores his comment and tries to tell him about her friend in Iowa who also deals, but Booth cuts her off, telling her again that he is in the paint business. Hailey decides to drop it and says goodbye.

Back at the district, Jay updates the team, telling them that Booth is cautious and isn't seeming to warm up to Hailey yet. Antonio tells them he may have a lead. He thinks that his inside-man, Perez, may have been working with Booth as there have been multiple calls to Booth in the past month. Booth makes the product and gives it to Perez to sell on the streets. For Hailey to get in with Booth, Perez needs to go, so the team decides to scare him away. Later that night, Antonio meets up with Perez and tells him how a cartel in Mexico is targeting everyone who was in on the drug rip. As they talk, a pickup truck drives by and shoots at them but misses. Perez tells Antonio he was in on the rip, and Antonio convinces him to leave town and lay low until the bounty is gone, to which Perez agrees. Later, Antonio is walking down the street when the same truck pulls up next to him, and Adam and Kevin ask Antonio if Perez had bought the trap.

The next day, Hailey walks into her undercover apartment with coffee but is surprised to see Booth waiting for her inside. Booth tells her that he bribed the doorman to let him in, convincing him that they were siblings. Booth looks around the small apartment and comments on how Kelly is traveling light, and Hailey replies by saying she doesn't have much to pack when she is starting a new life. When Booth sees a picture of Garrett and Hailey on her fridge, he asks if she knows where he is, but Hailey plays it off, claiming that she doesn't know and doesn't care. Booth starts grilling her with questions about her sudden move to Chicago and the past, which annoys Hailey, and she finally tells Booth that she can help him make money. Booth is still hesitant about bringing her in but decides to have her pick up a package and deliver it to his office. So, she picks up the package and is about to get in her car to drive to Booth's office when she spots Tyler, Booth's nephew, watching her from afar. She approaches him and asks why he is following her. Tyler tells her that Booth wanted him to spy on her just to be cautious. Tyler was shocked to see Hailey again after the New Year's party, but she just brushes it off as nothing. Tyler asks if she can pretend she never saw him, and Hailey agrees.

Hailey delivers the package to Booth's office and watches him unpack it. She tries to get more information about the product, but he continues to act as if he is mixing paint. Hailey tells him he needs to meet with her dealer friend from Iowa as she did what she was asked to do. Booth asks more questions about this friend, where they met and how, and eventually asks what her parents' names are, trying to test her credibility. Hailey tries to dodge the question, bringing up stuff about Booth's dad. She tells Booth to call her guy, Ryan, and before she can leave, Booth asks again what her parents' name is, and she answers correctly.

Meanwhile, Jay meets up with Jeff Rafferty, Hailey's case officer on the Booth investigation, wanting to know what happened while she was undercover, Rafferty ignores the questions and talks about other things, but Jay doesn't give in and demands to know what happened claiming that Hailey is his partner. If she is in danger, he needs to know. Later in the night, Hailey quickly rushes to the district after receiving an emergency text from Jay. He shows her pictures from the New Year's Party, which shows a badly beaten Hailey, and asks her what happened. Hailey is furious that Jay called Rafferty behind her back, but Jay tells her he had no choice. He asks her to tell her everything so he can help. Hailey finally tells him how on New Year's Eve, there was a party. Hailey had gotten Booth alone that night, hoping to get information out of him, but Booth was drunk. Booth had other things in mind, and things went bad quickly. She tells Jay that Garrett got her to the hospital, and Jay asks her whether Booth had raped her, but she quickly says no. Jay believes her but still wants to tell Voight as she is too close to the case, but Hailey tells him that all she has to do is put the camera in Booth's office, assuring him that she is okay.

The next day, Hailey arrives at Booth's office to plant the camera while Kim and Jay are parked outside in their surveillance van. When she enters the building, Tyler is there, but Booth isn't, giving Hailey the perfect opportunity to plant the camera. She asks Tyler if she can use the bathroom in Booth's office, but Tyler is hesitant as Booth doesn't like people in his office. With some persuasion, Hailey finally gets a hold of the keys and enters the office. While Hailey is trying to secure the camera, Kim sees Booth pull up outside the building, warning Hailey to get out. Hailey stays and finally gets the camera to work just as Booth enters the office, but she slips into the bathroom and acts like everything is normal. When she gets out, Booth is very suspicious of Hailey, asking if she touched his desk, but Hailey says no, telling him that prison made him paranoid. Booth grabs a knife and threatens her with it, reminding her that somebody talked to the police. Outside, Kim tries to move in, but Jay stops her and instead calls Hailey's undercover phone, trying to distract Booth. Booth decides to answer the phone, and Jay acts as Ryan, trying to convince Booth to meet with him. Booth finally drops the knife and agrees to meet with Ryan.

At the meet spot, Hailey and Jay wait for Booth to arrive, and Hailey quizzes Jay on facts about Kelly and Ryan, telling him that Booth does not mess around. When Booth arrives, he asks to talk to Jay privately in the basement. Hailey is hesitant, but Jay assures her that he will be fine. In the basement, Booth quizzes Jay on facts about Ryan, and Jay answers them smoothly. At the end of the interrogation, Booth asks Jay if he has ever slept with Kelly, and Jay is shocked to hear this. He says no, and Booth decides to not do a deal with him.

Back at the district, Jay updates Voight on what happened and tells him how Booth asked if he had slept with Kelly. Hailey is adamant about busting Booth and wants to continue this undercover operation. Still, Voight decides to shut it down, asking the two partners to shut down the UC apartment. At the apartment, Jay packs up the place, waiting for Hailey to show up, but she never does, so he calls Kim to track Hailey's phone.

Meanwhile, Hailey shows up at Booth's office to try and convince him to do the deal. Booth tells her he doesn't trust Ryan, but Hailey assures him that she does and acts as if Ryan is a married man with a kid. Booth finally agrees to do a deal if Hailey has dinner with him. Hailey agrees, but they are interrupted when Booth sees Jay pull up outside the building. He rushes outside and confronts Jay with his gun asking what he is doing here. Jay tells Booth that he has cash in his trunk that can be used as a down payment. After seeing the money, Booth finally agrees to do a deal and leaves. After meeting with Booth, Jay follows Hailey to her undercover apartment telling her that she is too close to this case and acting recklessly. But Hailey assures him that she is fine and just needs to put Booth back in prison. Jay hesitantly understands and later tells Voight that the deal is back on. Voight tells Jay he is worried about Hailey, and Jay assures him that she can handle Booth.

Hailey and Jay finally meet up with Booth at an underground parking garage with the team nearby. Booth asks Hailey if they are still on for dinner later that night, and Hailey agrees. Tyler soon arrives with the product, and before Jay can check it out, Booth grabs Hailey and checks her for wires, touching her inappropriately. Jay gets worried and puts his hand on his gun, leading Tyler and Booth to grab their weapons. Things escalate quickly when Hailey knocks Booth's gun out of his hand and shoots Tyler, letting Booth run. Hailey goes after Booth and corners him, but Booth starts attacking her. She eventually gets the upper hand and punches Booth until he is barely conscious. She grabs her gun and asks him to confess to murdering Garrett, but he laughs at her instead, which angers her. Jay quickly finds her and talks her out of shooting Booth, and she listens.

Once the case is wrapped up, Jay goes over to Hailey's place to check on her, inviting her to Molly's. She declines the offer and asks to be alone, but Jay won't let her. The two share a drink, and she tells him she thought she would feel better when the case was closed, but she still feels glum. Hailey tells him how the case had opened up a lot of memories from the past, especially Garrett and the New Year's Party telling Jay that Garrett was the one that pulled Booth off of her that night. Seeing how broken she is, Jay asks her if she had loved Garrett, to which she nods and later thanks him for coming over.




Halstead: Well, Platt offered to buy shots which is a once-in-a-decade thing so you might want to reconsider.

Halstead: He wins if you do it, this is not how you beat this.

Upton: I can handle this, Jay.
Halstead: That's exactly what I sad to you. You remember that? You called me out and told me I was full of crap.

Halstead: She's my partner, so if you know something that's putting her in danger, I need to know, now.

Upton: One minute he's talking ring sizes and the next, he's gone. So, screw him.
Ronald: So why keep the picture?
Upton: To remind me to never make the same mistake again.

Ruzek: Hey honey.
Dawson: Those were blanks, right?
Atwater: Hell yeah!

Dawson: You guys are lucky I work here.
