Gerald Dougherty is a hebephile and rapist, who began a sexual relationship with Katie Carlson, an underage girl. He is portrayed by Joe Adler.
He worked the neighborhood watch with his father, being regarded as good man looking out for his block. In truth, he was a sexual predator who abused his privilege to begin a relationship with Katie Carlson, a teenage girl from the block, which was only known to her younger sister. He kept pictures of them together on his computer to relive the memory.
At some point, he borrowed money from Katie's mother and couldn't pay it back, leading to her suing him.
She's Got Us[]
Intelligence questioned his father who denied the allegations of his son being a murderer until having to face facts.
While awaiting his return, Intelligence told Jerome that him being gone for too long makes it look suspicious. At that moment, Gerald returns and his father yells for him to run, as he quickly does after seeing the cops present. After a lengthy chase, he is arrested and brought to the precinct for questioning.
In interrogation, Gerald doesn't ask for a lawyer and states he is innocent in the Carlson's murder before he is confronted with the incriminating from his computer. Sgt. Hank Voight tells him to come clean because he had motive, the discovery of the relationship and bringing up his lawsuit. However, Gerald states he didn't murder anyone, as he loved Katie and cleared up the lawsuit. He also states he borrowed his father's gun for patrol, but it was never fired, and he asserted he was no killer. Voight then had him put in the cage for the time being. Polly Carlson later confirmed Gerald was not the killer, as she stated he was a nice guy who liked her sister.
Gerald was ultimately exonerated from being involved in the murders but was charged with statutory rape and incarcerated.