Jesse and Jamal Seeley also known as the Gary Brothers notorious gangsters under the employ of Evan Lormer, a corrupt former Public Defender. They are portrayed by Andre Teamer and Ronnel Taylor.
As mentioned by Officer Adam Ruzek, they hail from Gary, Indiana and have notorious reputations in manslaughter, drug dealing, and assault. Despite being known as psychopaths, they cared for one another and worked as an effective team.
At some point, the brothers and fellow gangster Blue approached public defender Evan Lormer, showing him there was more to be gain in crime, so he agreed to help them in the drug trade and recruited more criminals into helping them. In the event, they would get caught, Evan used his position to falsify court records and commute their sentences to community service or probation, while staying under the radar as a drug kingpin.
Called in Dead[]
When their drugs began to kill people, Intelligence investigated and arrested Blue, but he didn't speak up and the drugs were confiscated by CPD. Evan secretly supplied the Gary brothers with the address of one of the arresting detectives Alvin Olinsky, once he signed the papers. As a result, the brothers broke into Olinsky's house and took his wife Meredith Olinsky hostage. When Olinsky finds them, they hold her at gunpoint and blackmailed him into retrieving the drugs for his wife. Jamal drives Olinsky to the district house while Jesse stays with Meredith, Jamal tells him that his brother is awaiting a signal from him in the form of a text if Olinsky backed out or warned anyone and his wife dies.
However, Olinsky secretly notified his team when he went inside and retrieved the drugs from lock up before going back in the car and showing Jamal the drugs. As Jamal was pleased, Olinsky is revealed to have taken a gun from the building and kills Jamal with his concealed weapon. Olinsky and several others decide to ambush the remaining brother.
At the Olinsky house, Jesse received the "confirmation" they got the drugs and prepared to kill Meredith for being a loose end. However, Sergeant Hank Voight walks in the house and demanded that he put down the gun, as Jesse tensely asks him about his brother and is told he's not coming. Jesse threatened to kill Meredith when it is implied that his brother is dead, but at that moment, Olinsky comes up behind him and presses a gun to his head, threatening to shoot him if he pulls the trigger. Olinsky and Hank order him to drop his weapon, and he complies by getting on his knees, only to get scared when Hank suggests that they don’t need to bring him in and Olinsky appeared tempted to shoot him, for what he and his brother did. As Jesse started shaking, a shocked Meredith talks some sense into her husband, and he spares him. While Olinsky frees his wife, Hank arrests Jesse, though not before kicking him in the gut for his actions.
The cuffed Jesse is brought to the precinct, where Hank berates him and his brother for their stupidity of threatening a cop and his wife. Jesse tries to retort but is slammed into a cell gate by the latter, before seated next to Blue. Olinsky soon wondered how the thugs found his house, as Kevin Atwater says that he speculated that someone was helping them, and Intelligence realized someone higher up was calling the shots. With that, Hank then has his squad leave with the detained Blue while he and Olinsky talk to Jesse, but he does not give up anything. Olinsky proceeds to talk with him by taunting him about the death of his brother and how he has killed more people than him. Despite his silent anger and fear, he still does not talk.
Intelligence narrows down a search to reveal the Gary brothers and Blue have notorious reputations and all three should have been locked away for good a long time ago, but the cases were presided over by a represented by a public defender. Alvin also realizes that his name was signed on the paperwork, so anyone presiding over that can find out where he lived, revealing how the brothers got to his house. Further investigation reveals that the Gary brothers phone calls to Evan Lormer, who actually forged the court documents for the three criminals to get probation. Intelligence closes in on Evan when tries to flee with his hefty loot, but are able to corner him, and he is promptly arrested.
Jesse is then incarcerated for the drug dealing, conspiracy, kidnapping, and attempted murder.
Killed Victims[]
Unknown person: Killed by The Gary Brothers in an unclear way: Mentioned.
Unknown amount of people: Died from the dope that the Gery Brothers, Carl Johnson and Evan Lormer supplied: Mentioned.