Chicago PD Wiki

Franklin Barnes is a serial killer who went on a murder spree of prostitutes and vulnerable women for over a decade.


Years ago, he would kill several prostitutes or vulnerable underage women by luring them to his car and taking pictures before driving them to secluded spots and shooting them in the chest. He then has sex with their dead bodies before leaving the scene. Franklin also kept pictures of the victims in a secret room in his house to relive the moment.

He never told his family of his actions and frequently disappeared but always came back home. He would generally be seen as good man who worked hard as a machinist.

On one occasion, he picked up Sienna Brody and drove her to an alley where he shot her twice, but she was able to survive by playing dead and Franklin left her to die in the alley though she got treated at a hospital. Sienna did not come forward because of fear at not being believed and the traumatic experience left her unable to have children but caused her to give up prostitution.

For reasons unknown, Franklin ceased killing by 2008, causing his case to go cold. Several people researched his spree, as some of the victims were their relatives and one reporter was falsely accused though let go because there was not enough evidence. Despite that, the reporter continued his research and found Sienna.

Don't Read the News[]

When his son's girlfriend Grace Johnson comes over to find Ricky was not there, Franklin's impulses kicked in and he took Grace to the room and killed her after she fought back. He proceeded to violate her body before dumping her in a nearby football field and made an anonymous tip to the police over finding the body and not giving his name to taunt the cops. His DNA was found under Grace's fingernails and the Intelligence unit ran it through the system but because he was never arrested, he wasn't located.

After investigating, they discovered Grace's murder was connected to serial killings of young women. Intelligence detectives Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay visits Franklin and his wife after discovering Ricky's relationship with Grace and finding him missing. Franklin diverts attention from himself by masquerading as a concerned father and defending Ricky by refusing to letting them search the house. He secretly places his gun in his son's car as a way to buy himself time to destroy evidence.

When Ricky was found and brought in, he was arrested after his DNA was revealed to be a partial match to the sample found in Grace's fingernails. However, skepticism is raised because of how Ricky would've been a teenager when he committed the first murder and the subsequent murders that followed.

They soon found the reporter who discovered Sienna Brody, the lone survivor. After she is found, she reveals her experience, while revealing why she didn't come forward but agrees after hearing her attacker was supposedly in custody. Sienna is taken to the precinct, where she is shown pictures of Ricky and other men, but she states that none of them are her attacker. However, she reacts with terror after spotting a picture of Franklin and reveals that he was the assailant. Sienna gave her story to Sergeant Hank Voight and how she was able to survive by playing dead. Lindsay reveals that Franklin has gone into hiding and a manhunt is launched for him. Searching the Barnes home, they learn from his devastated wife that he disappears often and collect soda cans of his favorite drinks for DNA. They soon find a hidden room with pictures of victims that implicates Franklin. They also note wherever he is he is making sure to destroy evidence to cover his tracks.

Ricky was visited in custody and informed that his DNA was matched to the real culprit: his father. Ricky is horrified to find out that his own father was one who really committed the crimes, set him up, and killed Grace. Ricky makes it known that he had no knowledge of his activities, though reveals that one of his father's friends had a garage where he would likely go. Intelligence locates the garage and find Franklin burning the pictures. He was savoring the murder, before being alerted by the cops calling him and he surrenders. Looking at the pictures of the victims, a disgusted Voight has Franklin arrested and taken away.

A cuffed Franklin is brought in for questioning on stopping his murder spree, but he denies the accusation. Det. Alvin Olinsky remarks that Franklin sounds like the same person who called 911 for spotting Grace Johnson's body but he denies that too, as that wouldn't be sensible. Voight soon tells him he messed up after his DNA was found on the bodies and condemns Franklin for letting his own son take the rap for these crimes. This causes Franklin to pause until he simply says his son will get over it and soon gives a scenario of how a possible suspect might have been the one who did it. However, the Detectives are not buying his story and Voight gets up in Franklin's face and says that he will not harm him because he doesn't want to mess up his case, but states Franklin is going to prison for the rest of his life, and he will ensure that it will be a terrible experience for what he has done. Rather than retort, Franklin simply smirks.

In the end, Ricky is subsequently exonerated and reunited with his mother who tearfully voices how she didn't know what his father was doing. Because of Franklin's actions, Trudy Platt leads Ricky and his mother out the back way because of the press being outside. Intelligence also updates his victim's families of his arrest, bringing them closure.

Killed Victims[]

  • 70 Unkown women: (Young Women): Choked, Shot and then raped postmortem by Franklin Barnes, bodies never found: Seen in missing posters.
  • Ten unnamed women: (Young Women): Choked, Shot and then raped postmortem by Franklin Barnes: Mentioned.
  • Unnamed woman: (Young Woman): Choked, Shot and then raped postmortem by Franklin Barnes: Mentioned.
  • Lewis Belle: (Young Woman): Choked, Shot and then raped postmortem by Franklin Barnes: Mentioned.
  • Grace Johnson: (Young Woman): Choked, Shot and then raped postmortem by Franklin Barnes.
  • More: Franklin Barnes said he killed 100 young women but there are two things to take into consideration. One was that if we add the 70 missing women pasters and 13 dead, that only makes only 83. Another thing is that he might not be adding his recent 3 kills or even the 10 kills.