Chicago PD Wiki

Frank Amerson is a Private Investigator who facilitated a robbery. He is portrayed by Keith Kupferer.


He formerly worked as bail bondsman and would round up several criminals until he quit his job to work as a private investigator, digging up dirt for clients going through a messy divorce that will better help in their favor. At some point, he was approached by Jason Logan, who enlisted his help in finding out if his soon to be ex-wife Briana Logan was cheating on him. Frank accepted the deal and used the funding Jason supplied to gather wiretapping equipment, allowing him to bug her office at the drug dispensary for information. Initially, it was basic stuff, as they learned Briana's interest in a new employee Jay Halstead and other things of little interest. However, Frank soon learned that Briana's business amassed half a million dollars and seeing a chance of gaining a fortune, he made plans to obtain it. He made sure to learn the routes the deposit truck would take, so to wait for them to reach a secluded spot to take it.

Forty-Caliber Bread Crumb[]

Frank put his plans into action by recruiting one of his former bonds, Colin Briggs to handle the robbery in exchange for half of the cut. Briggs brought in his old cellmate Brendon Seeley who recruited his criminal brothers into an ambush of the dispensary truck and their efforts ended up killing Terry Egan and leaving Det. Jay Halstead and the driver alive, while making off with the loot. Frank caught wind of the assault and using the listening devices in Briana's office, he decided to see how much she or the cops knew. However, the devices were discovered, and he was forced to flee when his car was spotted by Adam Ruzek and Alvin Olinsky, though he escaped.

Soon he called Briggs to admonish him for the trouble he has caused and how he nearly got made. After Briggs voices that he needs to handle something, Frank demanded his cut from the robbery but was ignored.

After Jason revealed he hired Frank, Intelligence discovered his occupation and note that he might be dirty, so they listened in on his calls, soon finding his incriminating call. He was detained by Ruzek and Det. Antonio Dawson while going about his job, before being brought in for questioning and having his recording played. The detectives deduce that he was originally doing his job but once finding out how much money Briana makes, he got greedy and orchestrated a robbery to get rich quicker. He quickly demands a lawyer, though after Sgt. Hank Voight tells him that he will be looking at serious charges, such as armed robbery, murder, and attempted murder, he changes his tone and asks for leniency. Voight agreed to worked out a deal with the ASA, with Frank giving up Colin Briggs as the one he was talking too and revealing who the rest of the crew was.

Intelligence had Frank contact Briggs again, making him act like he wanted his cut from the robbery. Briggs agreed to meet him under the tracks, where they talk until the latter tases him and stuffs him in a trunk, with the intention of killing him in a secluded spot. However, the CPD proceed to arrest Briggs while saving Frank who is helped out by Det. Erin Lindsay.

He is then incarcerated for facilitating a robbery and accessory to murder spree, though because of his deal, he was likely given a shorten sentence.
