Chicago PD Wiki

Evan Lormer is a corrupt former Public Defender and proxy kidnapper and murderer. He is portrayed by John Ferrick.


Not much is known of him, other than he worked as a public defender for an undisclosed period of time.

At some point, he witnessed corruption in the system in both the law and criminal world. He was soon approached by three criminals Blue and the Gary Brothers who showed him there was more to be gain in crime, so he agreed to help them in the drug trade and recruited more criminals into helping him. In the event, they would get caught, Evan used his position to falsify court records and commute their sentence to probation, while staying under the radar as a drug kingpin.

Called in Dead[]

When his drugs began killing several addicts, including that of many kids, Intelligence began investigating and masquerading as robbers, they stole several bags of money to draw out someone of high rank. Their actions led to the street Captain Blue being arrested and the drugs were confiscated, but he didn't give up anything. Getting word, Evan secretly supplied the Gary brothers with the address of one of the arresting detectives Alvin Olinsky. As a result, Olinsky's wife Meredith Olinsky was taken hostage and he was blackmailed into retrieving the drugs, but he secretly notified his team, and Meredith was rescued and one of the brothers ended up dead and the other was arrested for the burglary. Intelligence realized someone of a high legal position was helping the thugs, though the surviving brother refused to comply in talking.

A search narrows it down to reveal Blue, really named Carl Johnson and the Gary Brothers have notorious reputations and all three should have been locked away a long time ago, but the cases were presided over by a represented by a public defender. Alvin also realizes that his name was signed on the paperwork, so anyone presiding over the paperwork can find out where he lived, revealing how the Selley brothers got to his house. They initially suspect the judge (who presided over their cases) of letting the felons go but it turns out he is innocent and further investigation reveals that the Gary brothers made phone calls to Evan, who actually forged the court documents for the three criminals to get probation. When Evan realizes that he was going to be exposed, he feigns illness at work and tries to flee with his hefty loot, but Intelligence is able to corner him with him breaking his nose in his attempted escape. Evan soon surrenders and is promptly arrested, and while being cuffed, he is confirmed to be the kingpin after the cops find several stacks of money in his trunk.

In interrogation, Evan is admonished for helping known criminals into causing chaos and questioned on how someone who served as a civil servant can stoop to crime. Evan reveals that he helped the criminals out because he was tired of seeing the corrupt system and because he wanted in on the cut. However, Detectives Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay tell him that the drugs that his lackeys sold were killing kids. Although he is initially surprised, he is unrepentant in his choices and says if it wasn't his drugs, it would have been someone else who killed them. His words earn him the disgust from the detectives.

He is then incarcerated for the drug dealing, obstruction of Justice, accessory to kidnapping, and proxy serial murder.

Murders Connected to Even Lormer[]

Unknown amount of people: Died from the dope that the Gery Brothers, Blue and Evan Lormer supplied: Mentioned.

Jamal Seeley: (One of the Gary Brothers): Shot by Alvin Olinsky: Jesse and Jamal both took Meredith and forced Alvin to get their dope: Jesse was with Meredith while Jamal was with Alvin: Evan Lormer gave them the information they needed to find Alvin Olinsky.
