Chicago PD Wiki

Elizabeth McKenney is a criminal accomplice of Bug.


McKenney has a list of petty crimes ranging from shoplifting to resisting arrest. At some point, she affiliated herself with big time criminal Bug. He recruited her into his robbery scheme that involved impersonating cops, she agreed to help and use her occupation as a stripper to take the badge of Sam Mularz who worked part time as a security guard. With a real cop's badge, she used it to sign out police cars at a mechanic's shop with Bug posing as her partner. Now having the cars, their ruse looked more credible.

Hit Me[]

After being wounded from a struggle with cops, Bug heads to McKenney's house to hideout until the heat died down. When Intelligence discover that Sam Mularz signed out several police cars, the mechanic reveals that Sam that he met was a woman who came with her partner, quickly identified as Bug. Surveillance footage identified McKenney and her record was found, with Intelligence sending Officers Sean Roman and Kim Burgess (the very officers Bug shot at) to her address. McKenney believed her neighbor was complaining about the stereo again but was told they had questions and wanted to come in.

She tried to refuse but in the middle of the talk, Bug conveniently walked by and recognizing the officers ran after Roman spotted him. Bursting through, Roman quickly pursued Bug while McKenney kept Kim inside, leading to a fights but Kim soon overpowers her, arresting the latter.

McKenney was later incarcerated for being an accessory to robbery, harboring a fugitive, and assault.
