Dennis Lee is a major Chinatown mobster, counterfeiter, arms dealer and human trafficker.
He was the one who introduced slot machines, arms trafficking and prostitution in Chinatown. In the past, he would have an affair with the prostitute Anna Tse, who he trafficked from a very poor country. On occasion, Lee would be investigated by the organized crime unit and also by Alvin Olinsky. Alvin once lied to get a chance to check Lee's containers, no one inside Chinatown dared to rat on Lee. In the end, Alvin found slot machines and weapons inside one of the containers, but his superiors found out about Alvin's false accusations orders to search in the containers, thus they remove Alvin from the investigation and allow Lee to escape.
The Three Gs[]
Dennis had six girls locked inside a warehouse. He would put them in charge of his nephew, Eddie Cao, a drug addict who would stop giving the girls water and food, that would cause the girls' deaths. After his nephew was involved in a shootout with the police Dennis decides to move a shipment of weapons and sell them quickly, setting a trap for another Chinatown mobster, Jesse Kong, to then sell them to the real buyers, he would go to his partner Anna Tse so that she could help him get fake IDs, with one of those IDs he stayed in a hotel, Jesse soon arrives with his henchmen at the hotel, intending to kill Dennis, Dennis fights back and starts a shootout inside the hotel, the police soon arrive and Jesse Kong is arrested, Dennis saw the opportunity to shoot Han Voight in the back but Alvin Olinsky approaches him from behind, who knocks him to the ground and ends up arresting him, Olinsky takes him to another corridor, where he puts Dennis on his knees and He puts a gun to his forehead, Adam Ruzek arrives and sees the whole scene, Dennis tells Olinsky that he remembered him in the racketeering operation years ago, Alvin tells him that Dennis shouldn't have come back to town. Olinsky was about to kill Lee, but Hank Voight manages to persuade him and Olinsky leaves Dennis, and in the interrogation room Dennis demands to know where Anna was, Antonio Dawson replies that she was arrested and being transferred while they talked, Dennis asks to be released and that he was going to sign any kind of confession to let Anna go, Hank replies that he was not going to make deals with Lee, after the death of the girls inside the warehouse, Dennis replies that although he was not proud of what had happened to those girls, he also tells him that his parents knew the risks, Hank tells him that no matter what Lee signs, Anna will go to jail and when she gets out of prison, she will go back to being a prostitute, struggling to make ends meet. He also tells Lee that he was going to die in a cell the size of the interrogation room, then Lee would be arrested for all his crimes.
Killed Victims[]
Six girls: (Human Trafficking Victims): Died from starvation and dehydration because Eddie Cao didn't give them any water or food: Dennis Lee put Eddie Cao in charge of the girls.