Chicago PD Wiki

Curt Framingham is a con artist, arsonist, and murderer who would start an apartment fire to fake his death.


Curt Forrester was an employee of Metro Gold Capital, where he would be arrested in 2010 for a Ponzi scheme, after he funneled his clients' savings into failing businesses to line his pockets with more commissions. However, the court found couldn't make a case against him because a witness died in a boating accident. After which the FBI began to investigate Curt, so he decides to marry his accomplice, Jane Framingham, in order to obtain her last name and obtain an alias, although he would maintain a relationship with a girl named Roxanne Cabrera, using the alias "Bill". He would use the latter alias to conduct business with a real estate broker Corey Kipton. He approached for Corey to show him a blue house with a red door, Curt mentions to Corey that he and his wife wanted to move there, Curt saw the key from the front door of the house, which was under a flower pot, both Jane and Curt knew that the feds were close to getting them, so they decide to fake Curt's death.

Seven Indictments[]

Jane and Curt carry out their plan, Curt manages to locate former boxer Leon Tremaine, who was looking for a place to stay, because he was going to meet his daughter again. Curt posed as a real estate broker and using the key, he showed Leon the same blue house with a red door that he had visited before, but a beggar named Marvin believed that Leon had taken his dog, named Rosie, so Marvin followed Leon and was able to see him enter the house along with him. While Leon was distracted, Curt takes out the gun that belonged to Roxanne, and kills Leon with a shot to the head. Curt then puts his watch and other belongings on Leon's corpse, before setting fire to the house, using thinner of paint as an accelerator. Curt flees the house, prior to its explosion, the fire also killed Kyle Harvey, a young man who was staying in an LGBT+ house that was next to the blue house.

With a presumed death, Curt remained hidden while Jane acted like a widow who was mourning the death of her husband. However, Marvin, a beggar who saw Curt and Leon, managed to identify Curt when he was escaping the blaze. With this, CPD realized his survival and tailed Jane who was meeting Curt on putting together their money to rent a car with a plan to flee to Canada. Unfortunately, they decided to stop to rest in a motel, but they did not know that the CPD had already located them, so they forced their way into the motel room where they were, arresting Curt and Jane.

Curt was later imprisoned for all his crimes, scams and for the murders of Leon Tremaine and Kyle Harvey.
