Chicago PD Wiki

Clyde Dupree is a man, who was running a child sex trafficking ring. He is portrayed by Michael James Reed.


Dupree previously paid a $10,000 fine for Ivory smuggling and did two months' probation.

He would later create a dark web site selling the kids under the guise of selling exotic animals. To procure the merchandise, he would pose an undercover ICE agent, Clyde Harris, who is investigating human trafficking and fools an unsuspecting a couple into adopting a child. Once they get the kid, they meet Clyde at a truck stop and exchange the kid for money. He would then put then in h shed that was connected to an empty house he was squatting in.


Dupree would put three kids in a shed and leave them there. However, they would be found by CPD with only one of them still alive. This was because close to the shed was a house that was producing meth waste, and it was dumped into the ground and the two kids drank it.

Two couples named John and Penny Marsden, who Dupree was fooling as ICE agent would be arrested and interrogated by the intelligence unit and would try to contact Dupree who they just called but the call was disconnected. The intelligence unit would later go to his house only to find it abandoned as he left when he knew the police were closing in on him.

After searching, Intelligence realize that Sanctuary Row is a website where Dupree sells the kids. Dupree is selling 4 kids, so Voight tells Jay to start bidding. Antonio is a little confused about how they will get the money quickly, but Voight tells them not to worry. Eventually, they win the auction, and Jay goes undercover to collect the prize. They go to the location and wait for Dupree to arrive. During the wait, Al informs Voight that Antonio had a call from Woods that lasted 3 minutes. Voight realizes that Antonio might be helping Woods take him down and is frustrated. Clyde eventually gets to the location in a trailer and brings the kids out. The team moves in, and Clyde runs but is caught by officer Kevin Atwater and Sgt. Hank Voight catches up to them. Disgusted by Clyde's crimes, he brutally beats on him for answers on the kids and threatens to put a bullet in him until Det. Antonio Dawson stops him before things get too bad, and Voight isn't happy. They arrest Clyde, with the four kids being found in the trailer and rescued.

In the interrogation room, Clyde quickly requests for a lawyer but is questioned by Hank on his associates while he is unfazed and asks what he gets out of talking. Hank tells him he keeps his "ability to live", as Clyde was confused by the statement. Hank explains that Clyde is going to prison regardless of if he talks and silently threatens to put Clyde in the open populace of jail, stating the inmates will subject him to vicious torture for his crimes on his victims. He says he could talk and be put in protective custody or take his chances, before he whispers an example of the torture in Clyde's ear, causing Clyde to panic. Seeing his fear, Hank tells the scared man that there's a time limit on his offer and Clyde writes down everything.

Outside, Hank tells the observing officer Adam Ruzek that he lied about putting Clyde in protective custody, having already made a call to a friend at the jail to make sure that Clyde pays by putting him in the open populace.

Clyde was ultimately incarcerated for trafficking and his ultimate fate is unknown.

Murders Connected to Clyde Dupree[]

Two unnamed kids: Died after they drank water that had meth waste in it: They were trapped in a shed by Clyde Dupree.
