Chang was a Chinese gangster. He was portrayed by Rich Ting
What Do You Do[]
Chang and his accomplice Hu go to an abandoned factory where there is soap and baby formula. In the abandoned factory they met a Smuggler, Aubrey Carrington who was dropping it off. For some unknown reason, Chang and Hu got into a shootout with Aubrey. Aubrey was shot in the chest and was unconscious and Hu is shot in the head and stumbles away. Meanwhile, officers Sean Roman and Kim Burgess were knocking on the door as Kim saw the gun that Chang had before they went in. The door open and Hu walks out and then collapse onto the ground. Sean tries to call it in, but the door opens with Chang putting a gun towards Sean's face. Sean tries to talk to Chang, but he tells him to shut up. Chang tells them to give him their guns and radios. Sean refuses to and so Chang threatens to kill Kim. With this, Sean agrees, and they both give Chang their guns and radios. Then Chang tells them to get inside the abandoned factory, but Sean refuses to go in there. With this Chang shoot Hu and then says that he will kill Kim if they don't do what he asks. He starts counting down and Sean tries to comply, and Chang pushes him inside the building. Before, he can get Kim to go inside, Sean pulls him in, and the door closes behind them with Kim trying to open it. Kim manages to get inside and sees: Sean, Aubrey and Chang all laying on the ground. Kim pocks Chang and walks as she doesn't see him react. As Kim tends to Sean, Chang starts to regain consciousness. He starts to crawl to get a metal pipe, but Kim notice and they fight. Kim then notices her gun and tries to get it, but Chang is ultimately the one who gets it. Chang circles around Kim. Chang repeatedly tells her that she shouldn't have gotten involved as Kim begs him not to shoot her. However, before he can kill her, he is shot in the head by Aubrey who also just regained consciousness.
Killed Victims[]
Hu: (Accomplices): Shot in the head by Aubrey and then shot in the back by Chang.