Chicago PD Wiki

Brian Kelton was a corrupt police officer, Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, and a mayoral candidate. He was portrayed by John C. McGinley.

Quick Answers

Who was responsible for the death of Brian Kelton on Chicago PD? toggle section
Katherine Brennan was responsible for the death of Brian Kelton, the Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department. Kelton, a corrupt officer and mayoral candidate, was portrayed by John C. McGinley. Brennan initially supported Kelton's mayoral ambitions but ultimately turned against him.
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Did Voight have any involvement in the murder of Brian Kelton? toggle section
Voight was not involved in the murder of Brian Kelton, the superintendent of Chicago Police. The gun used in Kelton's murder was taken from a police raid, and was in the possession of an officer who was a friend of Brennan's. Brennan, who had been financially supporting the officer, confessed to Voight that she was responsible for Kelton's death.
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What was Brian Kelton's role within the Chicago Police Department? toggle section
Brian Kelton held the position of Superintendent within the Chicago Police Department. His career was tainted by corruption and marked by political ambition, aiming for a mayoral candidacy. He also served as a district commander during a time when a serial killer was active. Katherine Brennan was responsible for his death.
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What were Brian Kelton's political ambitions beyond the police department? toggle section
Brian Kelton, played by John C. McGinley, served as the Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department. His career was marked by political ambition, with a goal to eventually become mayor. In 2016, he was a district commander during a serial killer case. His ambitions extended beyond his police career, aiming for the mayoral position.
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Kelton's police career was long politically motivated and ambitious, with the aim of eventually running for mayor. At some point during 2016, Kelton was the district commander of an area where a serial killer had surfaced, murdering and raping numerous women. However, Kelton wanted to keep the crime statistics in his district satisfactory and refused to authorize an investigation, shutting down the detectives working the case and turning away the FBI.

Katherine Brennan would help Kelton with his campaign.

Season 6[]

While not seen he is mentioned, and Brennan does do several things for Kelton.

In Trust, Kelton hosts a fundraiser and gives a good speech telling everyone that he wants to put a stop to gangsters and criminals. However, After the fundraiser Kelton gives defense attorney Bernie Hoffman a huge sum of money to give to gang leader Andre Griffin who had been helping Kelton with the mayoral campaign. However, Andre Griffin would kill Bernie Hoffman and flee the scene.

Brennan and Kelton arrive at the scene and talk to Voight. Kelton does say that he did see Hoffman but only at the fundraiser. He demands Voight to find out what happened and took keep him in the loop before he leaves followed by Brennan.

After Kelton is finished with his campaign speech in front of a church, Voight talks to him. Voight tells Kelton that they are just having trouble with the timeline and that he knows he didn't last see Hoffman in the fundraiser. Kelton admits that and tells Voight that he went visit Hoffman and he didn't notice or see anything suspicious. This was very strange to Voight, and he asks to see Kelton's service weapon which Kelton does do and leaves.

Kelton has Brennan go to Griffin and tells him that the police were looking his way. This caused Griffin to kill his cousin and shoot Kevin Atwater.

Kelton goes to intelligence and talks to Voight in his office. Kelton wants to know about an update, but Voight says that he is just working on it. Kelton wants a more direct answer from Voight and at that point Voight tells Kelton that he knows he was involved. Kelton still ask Voight if he has a lead, and Voight still tells him that they are looking. Kelton warns Voight that he is playing a dangerous game, but Voight says that Kelton is doing the same thing. Kelton then leaves angered.

After Griffin is arrested Kelton has Brennan go to Voight and tells him to let Griffin go because the evidence, they have agents him is weak. However, Voight tells Brennan that he knows that she talked to Griffin and that Kelton is involved too. Brennan defends herself and Kelton as well. She then has Griffin released much to Voight's anger. Voight goes to Brennan and Kelton as the two are out in public talking to voters. Halstead manages to stop Voight from making a scene as Kelton and Brennan look and walk past him.

In Outrage Kelton refuses to give intelligence funds for a heroin dust because it involves Matthew Garrett a criminal who just sued them for wrongful arrest. Kelton tells Voight to walk away on this case. However, Halstead has intelligence to pursue the case. After the murder of Matthew Garrett Halstead is the seen as the prime suspect with Kelton not helping by talking to Tillman.

Voight goes to Kelton and demands to know why he is jamming up Halstead. Kelton tells Voight that it is all very suspicious since Halstead had a history with Garret and had his camera turned off. Kelton tells Voight that if Halstead murdered Garret, then he is done for.

In Night in Chicago, Kelton has dinner with Ray Price as he tries to convince the man to support him in the poles. However, Price does not want to and so Kelton leaves passing Voight.

After an officer involved shooting involving Atwater being undercover, Kelton calls Voight in his office. He is very angered that Atwater didn't do enough to prevent the death of the victim and tells Voight that Atwater will no longer be an officer if he faces trouble for this.

In The Forgotten, the intelligence unit finds out about the cover of the 2016 serial killer while trying to find a C.I that was kidnapped. Detective Leo Hernandez would tell Kelton that intelligence was looking into the serial killer from 2016, and Kelton would then get rid of the evidence. Kelton would go to Voights office and Voight points out that Kelton was overseeing those cases and asked if there was a suspect. Voight asks Kelton to find Leo Hernandez which he says he will do. However, after knowing how close Voight is to the victim Kelton suggests letting Homicide take care of this case. Voight does not want to do that, so Kelton tells him to just loop Homicide in.

Voight goes to Kelton after learning that he buried the evidence. Voight wants Kelton to give him the FBI profile and tells Kelton that he does not care why he took it. Kelton tries to deny it, but Voight talked to review board and knows he checked all the files from 2016. Voight tells Kelton that he just wants to find hie friend, but Kelton still says that he does not know where the file is and leaves after getting a phone call.

Kelton would then send Homicide to the warehouse were the serial killer Steven Sawyer was located, and Detective Donahue would shoot Steven Sawyer. It took an hour for the intelligence unit to find the C.I and at that point she already died. Voight would then beat Donahue and told the detective to tell Kelton that he was now coming for him.

In Pain Killer, after Ray Price is shot and in the hospital, Voight believes that Kelton had something to do with it. Kelton goes to the hospital and tells Voight and Halstead that even though he and Price were rivals he still respected the man. He would then go to Price, wife and Daughter.

After a judge is shot, Kelton is surrounded by the press with his campaign specialist Blair Williams.

When Stateville has a hostage situation Kelton stepped in and wants S.W.A.T to eliminate the offender. However, Voight does not want that as the hostages the offender has might die. Voight tells Kelton that he will go in the room and talk to the offender so they might get a clean shot. Kelton allows this and Voight goes into the room and talks to the offender. Voight tries to calm the offender down and even warns his about the snipers that want to take him out. The snipers can't get a clear shot as Voight is blocking them which gets Kelton mad. However, the offender managed to move in the right position and the snipers shot and killed him.

In This City, Kelton is on the scene after two murders have taken place. Kelton has all hands-on deck, but Kelton has to make a truce with Price and have intelligence working with him to make a peace deal with the two gangs.

However, it goes horribly wrong when someone use a MAC-10 to open fire on everyone and killed a civilian. Kelton is in Voight's office telling him how badly he screwed up. He also gets into a fight with Price blaming him until Voight breaks it up. Voight says that they will find the shoot and Kelton tells him to do that.

Voight now has the killer and a witness. He gives that information to Price and Kelton. However, Kelton gives a press statement talking about how they have a witness. Because of this the witness has to leave Chicago. In the Courthouse Voight reprimands Kelton for this as Kelton just walks away.

In What Could Have Been. Kelton's campaign specialist Blair Williams is murdered and Price is arrested for it. This means Price can no longer be in the mayoral race and Kelton just lost his biggest competition.

In Sacrifice, after a crew robs a truck full of pharmaceuticals Brennan shows a newspaper that makes Kelton look bad. Brennan wants Voight to solve this case, but Voight tells her that it will take some time. Brennan tells Voight that she knows that he does not like Kelton, but he just has to do good by Kelton or else. After Adam Ruzek comes and tells Voight about the progress on the case Brennan leaves.

The intelligence unit solves the case healing Kelton of this political wound.

In Confession, Voight goes to Katherine Bradley to give her the email that Kelton made that could have stopped Steven Sawyer from killing as many people as he should have.

Brennan support for Brian Kelton as Mayor of Chicago comes to a head when she is threatened about previous allegations being released. Kelton gets her to say that she was the one who allowed the serial killer to continue his rampage or else he will charge him with all the things she did for him. After she tells the press that she was the one who allowed the serial killer to continue his rampage she resigns from the Chicago Police Department. Voight comes to see her, and she warns Voight that Kelton his no going to be coming for him.

In Reckoning, Kelton has the IAD look into the police involved death of Jason Rizzo just to get at intelligence.

This led intelligence to try and have one of his associates turn on him by catching him in a drug bust. Kelton tries to have intelligence work another case, but Intelligence still works the case anyway. However, Kelton is one step ahead and has his associate Wilson Young, killed by another criminal who also shoots at intelligence. Kelton then goes to the scene and berate Voight for everything that happened.

Kelton is then on TV and gives another speech as the clock is ticking for him to be mayor.

Hours after being voted the new mayor, Katherine Brennan would come to See Kelton to remind him of what she sacrificed for him. However, Kelton laughed at her and her to stay away from him. This made her so enraged that she killed Kelton with the gun of an old friend and left the scene.

Murders Connected to Brian Kelton[]

Four of Steven Sawyers victims: Steven Sawyer Could have been arrested and stopped earlier but Kelton kept it all under wraps: Mentioned.

Bernie Hoffman: (Defense Attorney): Shot by Andre Griffin: Brian Kelton set up the meeting with Hoffman and Griffin so Hoffman can give Griffin the money he was owed by Kelton.

DeVante Boyed: (Cousin of Andre Griffin): Shot in the chest by Andre Griffin: Brian Kelton had Katherine Brennan warn Andre Griffin that the police were looking at him.

Roy Calison: (Power Company Worker): Shot several times by Steven Sawyer: Steven Sawyer Could have been arrested and stopped earlier but Kelton kept it all under wraps.

Lexie Wright: (Club Dancer): Died from her injuries from Steven Sawyer: Steven Sawyer Could have been arrested and stopped earlier but Kelton kept it all under wraps.

Steven Sawyer: (Serial Killer): Shot by Detective Donahue: Brian Kelton had Homicide step in and possibly even gave Donahue orders to kill him.

Darius Tatum: Shot by S.W.A.T: Ordered to eliminate him by Brian Kelton.

Wilson Young: (Assocaite): Shot by Deon: Orchestrated by Brian Kelton.

Season 6
New Normal Endings Bad Boys Ride Along Fathers and Sons
True or False Trigger Black and Blue Descent Brotherhood
Trust Outrage Night in Chicago Ties That Bind Good Men
The Forgotten Pain Killer This City What Could Have Been Sacrifice
Confession Reckoning