Chicago PD Wiki

Anna Avalos was a member of Los Temidos and an undercover informant of Chicago Police Department, She was Voight's undercover informant in Season 9.

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Who is Anna Avalos' son in Chicago PD? toggle section
Rafa Avalos is the son of Anna Avalos in the television series, Chicago PD. He appears as a minor character in the show's ninth season. His mother, Anna, was a former Confidential Informant for Voight.
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What is the history of Anna Avalos' family with Los Temidos? toggle section
Anna Avalos, a character in the Chicago PD series, has a deep-rooted history with the Los Temidos gang. She was in a relationship and had a son, Rafa, before becoming an undercover informant for Sergeant Hank Voight in Season 9. Her family's past with Los Temidos led her to infiltrate the gang.
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How did Anna Avalos become an undercover informant for Voight? toggle section
In Season 9 of Chicago P.D., Anna Avalos, played by Carmela Zumbado, served as an undercover informant for Voight, infiltrating the Los Temidos gang with which she had a familial history. Her tenure as an informant ended dramatically when she killed Javier Escano, shot Voight, and was fatally wounded in the ensuing confrontation.
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Prior to meeting Sergeant Hank Voight, Avalos was in a relationship with with a man, and the two had a son, named Rafa. Her family has history with the Los Temidos. Her father, in prison since Anna was 10, will not get out, her mother was a drug dealer for them and died when Anna was 17 and her brother Miguel was convicted of robbery and stabbed in prison. During her initiation she was drugged, beaten and raped, which traumatized her, she started dealing and was caught in 2018, she went to prison, got out in 2020 and took her son back from a foster home, at which point she became a narcotics informant for 6 months, they defined her "Elusive", she was known for giving information in exchange for maximum profit.

Season 9[]

Anna first appears in "Trust Me", During a shootout she indirectly saves Jay by warning him of the car behind him, after the shooting, Jay goes to talk to her, but she is not interested in giving a testimony and asks Jay about his boss and his unit. Jay finds Anna at a suspicious repair shop, but she runs away as soon as he sees them. During the night, Anna enters Voight's courtyard and waits for him there, she offers to be her CI, but in exchange she does not want to appear as a witness, Voight accepts and after various dangerous events, they manage to close the case, subsequently Voight meets Anna who he lets his son Rafa play on a carousel and talks to him about his son Justin.

Anna reappears in "Lies", and at her son's birthday party when Voight calls her, they meet in a deserted area and she brings him two milkshakes, he asks her to find him a certain Jimmy Chavez, Voight meets her in a church under renovation with Kevin and she reveals to him that Jimmy stole $75,000 from Tovar and has a price on his head, they ask her for her source and she, reluctant at first, reveals that it was some women from the bar near the "Pueblo" and that Jimmy stole them during a meeting not knowing that Tovar had the cameras in the office, after Kevin leaves, Anna asks Voight if Jimmy is an informant, Voight tells her that he can't tell him and she asks him why she's running away, he replies that it's because few would do what she's doing, as they consider it a death sentence.

During "To Protect", Anna tells him that she is working to figure out who is committing the murders and Voight asks her about Rafa's knee and she thanks him for taking care of the hospital and the insurance but also tells him that she shouldn't have called him and that it won't happen again. After another murder Anna in a video identifies the killer as Paco. The next night, while they are preparing her, Voight tells her to look for a Glock, Anna starts flirting with Paco, but at a certain point things go wrong, forcing the team to intervene, the next day Anna goes to Paco's house to get her bag back and, to fix things "she made him show her other tattoos" (she had sex with him), she reveals to Voight that she knows where the glock is. The next day, she goes to Paco's personal shooting range, and saying that she is going to the bathroom she goes to look for the glock, as soon as she finds it she is discovered by Paco, who points it at her, but the team intervenes and saves her. Late at night, Voight meets her at her house and asks her to be honest and open up to him, so she tells him about her traumatic initiation to Los Temidos, Voight tells her that if she wants she is still inside and she asks him what they should do now. The next day Anna shows up dressed as a pastry chef from Càrabo Bakery, the bakery where Javier Escano, aka "El Leon", the leader of Los Temidos, works.

Anna appears in "Closer", giving Voight an update on her routine at Càrabo, after which Voight explains what she will need to do to approach Escano. One day, while Jay and Hailey are checking the bakery, someone shoots a boy, Jay and Hailey intervene and Anna goes to help (being careful not to burn her cover), in the evening, while the shop closes, she tries to talk to Escano, but suddenly a boy, Adrian Silva, appears in front of the door covered in blood, he reveals himself as the one who shot the couple, Anna and Escano try to help him, but they disagree on how to proceed, in the end Escano leaves and leaves Anna to take care of it, she is in a panic and asks the team for help several times, but they do not intervene, in the end she manages to sew Adrian up and, on Escano's orders, takes him to her house, after taking him she goes out with the excuse of buying him medicine and meets Voight, Hailey and Jay, she is angry because they did not intervene, but Voight tells her that she did not say the safe word, they ask her to get information from Adrian and leave. The next day Anna is still with Adrian and they talk, she starts asking him about Escano, but suddenly Escano appears and asks Adrian how he is, after which, he asks Anna to follow him to the kitchen and questions her, revealing that he knows everything about her including her son, after arriving at the precinct, she notices the board with the information on Adrian and talks to Voight, who tells her that they have to meet in pre-arranged places, after Adrian committed suicide, Anna is shocked to know about him and has a chat with Voight in which he reveals that work is all he has now. The next day she talks to Escano and, finally, he trusts her enough to let him be a drug courier.

Anna reappears in "New Guard", this time contacting her is Jay, who asks her for information on a rookie he is following, Dante Torres, she asks him why he is investigating another cop and he tells her that he would rather not, then Jay asks her how her work for Voight is going and she tells him that "Just a cash. Should be easy." then she goes to look for information. She meets up with Jay again and reveals to him that Torres ended up in juvie for reducing a guy to a wheelchair, he asks him if he had something to do with a gang and she tells him that she doesn't know, he asks her what she would do to find out who he is, she tells him that he is the detective but he tells her that they grew up in the same neighborhood so he asks her, so she tells him about an event that happened at Càrabo, and tells him to watch him when he thinks he is alone, then they separate.

During House of Cards Anna meets Voight and gives him the last tapes, which contain nothing that goes beyond the normal routine of the Càrabo, and Voight says that this is how it works with long-term jobs, then Anna informs him that Escano gave her the address of a house in Barrington and gave 150 thousand dollars, at which point Anna gets nervous and warns Voight that she finds it strange since it is new, Voight asks her if Escano has changed his attitude and she says that he is stressed and paranoid, Voight reassures her that he will not lose sight of her until the end and then they separate. The intelligence follows Anna to that house and they discover that Los Temidos keep the money there, after Anna has finished, she is about to leave and Escano appears, asking her questions, she denies them both and Escano tells her that, strangely, he trusts her and asks her if it is the same for her, then he informs Anna that he will have an important business in the next few days and will need her, a truck on the 35 that he will have to transport to someone, something between the two of them, having said this he enters the warehouse and Anna leaves. Later Anna and Escano go to a garage and Escano asks her to look for cameras or bugs with him, they don't find anything until Anna inspects the underside of the car and finds a tracker, she shows it to Escano and Escano tells her to go home and not to be followed, while driving, she calls her sister Maria and they talk about Rafa, then she gets a text from Voight and meets him, once they meet Voight tells her that she did the right thing finding the tracker, he asks her if she knows anyone named Mateo Vega, she asks him who he is, Voight lies and says that he was a car thief for Escano and that he got caught stealing a car (in reality he was a rapist and he got caught raping a woman, like Anna did), while they talk Anna says that she is not lucid anymore and that she can't distinguish between real and unreal and that she wants to leave, Voight tells her that he doesn't want to and that in the end it will be worth it, Anna notices that Voight and Escano sometimes talk the same way and Voight tells her that she can make it, Anna finally agrees and the two separate. While Anna is in the pastry shop, Escano comes in and asks everyone to take a break and go out, then he tells Anna to turn around and starts to search her, she suddenly turns around and tells him that she has been on his side since the first delivery and that she does not deserve this treatment, while they talk Escano reveals to her that the boy was taken for an initiation rite against a woman, she is surprised and asks for explanations and Escano tells her that he trusts her, and is telling her that it is not a game, at that point Anna gives in and lets herself be searched, while Escano does so he lets her know where the van is, then he tells her that he will not hurt her and she asks him if they are finished and can go, then he leaves. While in the car, Anna is in tears and is contacted by Voight, but she ignores him because he lied to her, while driving Anna tries not to cry, when she finds Voight blocking her path, she gets out and confronts him about the fact that she lied to him, while they argue she asks him if Escano ordered her rape and if he was there too, he replies that he doesn't know but she doesn't trust him, he tells her that they can do it, but she tells him to go to hell and tells her that when it's over she will never want to see him again, then she asks him to move the car, which he does and leaves, during the stakeout, something goes wrong and Voight contacts Anna telling her that something is wrong and to stop, but Anna won't listen to reason and hangs up, as they had thought, everything goes up in smoke and the truck blows up with the cash.

In You and Me

Season 10[]

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Anna's phone password was 1111.
  • She didn't like the Strawberry Milkshake
  • She had several tattoos, including one on her chest with her brother's name, Miguel.



Season 9
Closure Rage The One Next to Me In the Dark Burnside
End of Watch Trust Me Fractures A Way Out Home Safe
Lies To Protect Still Water Blood Relation Gone
Closer Adrift New Guard Fool's Gold Memory
House of Cards You and Me