Andre Cooper is a Probationary Police Officer (PPO) with the Chicago Police Department and was previously assigned to the Intelligence Section. He was portrayed by Cleveland Berto.
Quick Answers
What led Andre Cooper to join the Chicago Police Department?
What was Andre Cooper's role in the Intelligence Section?
How long was Andre Cooper in the police academy before joining CPD?
Who portrayed the character Andre Cooper in the series?
What is the significance of Andre Cooper being a Probationary Police Officer?
As a rookie cop Andre Cooper, was partnered with Dave Wheelan for over a month.
In Protect and Serve, during a routine traffic stop, Dave Wheelan and Andre Cooper pulled over Jeff Duncan for going over the speed limit. Wheelan told the latter that he was speeding. Duncan calmly told he wasn't and Wheelan asked for him to show him his license and registration. Duncan protested the situation and let Wheelan know he was recording and had a firearm inside and Wheelan asked him to exit the car but was refused, as the latter pulled his gun out and repeated his order. Andre protested this course and Duncan agreed with the latter, before Wheelan forcibly pulled him out the car. Wheelan ordered Andre to check the car, but the latter brought up proper protocol, despite being threaten with termination. Wheelan then turned his attention back to Duncan requesting he keep his hands up, as the latter demanded Wheelan call his supervisor for this harsh treatment. After an argument breaks out, Wheelan lost his temper and ends up shooting Duncan multiple times, killing the latter.
Ander told IRT and COPA what happened with his statement being consistent. This already put his partner Wheelan in a bad situation, and it didn't help that it was caught on many cameras. Andre would later go to Wheelan's house where he was stopped by other police from entering. He would then meet detectives Adam Ruzek and Kevin Atwater. He said that he just wanted conformation on why Wheelan did what he did. However, Atwater told him that he shouldn't because he already knows why. As Wheelan is cuffed and taken by the detectives, Andre is there looking at his former partner with anger and disgust.
In Impossible Dream, after the murder of Roy Hills, Samantha Miller puts Andre in intelligence and explains to Voight that it is best thing for him right now after the whole situation with Wheelan. Voight talks to Andre who admits that even he feels like he doesn't belong, but he does want to help. Andre then tells Voight that the Pizza owner was acting very suspicious which prompts Voight to send Atwater and Upton to check it out.
Andre is then tasked with an undercover mission, to gain the trust of a suspect named Damari Evans. He does this by first coming up to Damari and warning him about the police coming his way. The police are Jay Halstead and Hailey Upton who come to Damari and Andre to search them for drugs. Andre then punches Halstead which gives Andre and Damari the chances to run. This cause Damari to trust Andre more and they both share information about each other.
Andre and Damari hang out at Damris place and play video games with Damris brother, Theo. However, Andre then tells Damari that he has to go to take care of his mother who he says has cancer. Damari then takes Andre aside and asks Andre about how that is going out for him. Andre tells him that it is tough. Just as Damari was going to make a buy with Andre, Theo drops his controller and starts seizing. Andre wants to call for help, but Damari does not allow him because there are drugs here. He then tells Andre to get Theo's medicine in Damari's room. Andre gets it and after Damari gives it to Theo he is saved. Damari then tells Andre that they will take care of business tomorrow and with that Andre leaves.
When Andre goes upstairs to the intelligence unit Voight thanks him for how he handled that situation. However, Andre only says that he was worried for Theo. Voight ensures to Andre that they would have done something if it had gotten worse.
Andre goes to Voight and tells him that Damari texted him and that the deal is on. Andre then asks Voight what will happen if Damari makes a deal and to his brother Theo. Voight says that Damari might do time depending how involved he was in the two murders and what he can provide for them. He then explains that Theo will probably be taken into foster care which Andre sees as a bad move. However, Voight demands Andre to focus on catching Quincy Barrett.
Andre then meets up with Damari and the two start talking about the deal. However, that's when Damari gets a call from Theo's school telling him that Theo had another seizer. Damari then sees a cop car coming by which gets him to stop moving and telling Andre to do the same. Thankfully it does not come closer to them which gives Damari a sigh of relief. He then goes on to tell Andre about all the money he had to pay for Theo's medical bills which was 13 grand. Andre then sees another police car and tells Damari to stop. Andre then tells Damari that he should go to Theo and check if he is all right which was not part of the plan, Andre had with intelligence. Damari then leaves with Andre having some explaining to do.
Atwater and Ruzek want to Andre so he can explain himself. Andre explains to them that it just was not the right time and that he will make the deal happen tomorrow. Atwater tells Andre that he can't worry about Damari because they need to get justice for the two men that were murdered and their families.
Andre then goes back to Damari's place with both Damari talking about how he saved him twice from the police. This sounds very suspicious to the intelligence unit who think that Damari is starting to get suspicious of Andre. Damari tells Andre how funny it is to watch cops be nicer because of all the backlash they get now adays, with Andre saying that they do deserve it. However, Damari does point out that black people do bad things. Andre then asks to use and bathroom which Damari is more than happy to tell him were. However, instead Andre goes through Damaris's things in his room which Damari catches him doing. However, Andre manages to lie his way out by saying that he just noticed the poster. Damari then gets a call from Quincy and Damari asks Andre to come with. Andre gets nerves which Damari notice and asks Andre if he trusts him. Andre says he does. Damari then tells Andre to not bring his phone which he does as he hands his phone to Damari. The two of them get out of the house and into Damari's car. Damari then tells Andre to put the money under the car seat which he does. Andre asks Damari where they are going but Damari does not give him and answer and instead tells Andre to just chill. Two stops at an abandoned building. Damari and Andre get out with Damari putting his gun in his pants. However, Andre tells Damari that he forgot the money and goes to the car to get it. However, when he gets the money Andre also turns on the cars distress signal. Andre then gets out of the car and asks Damari if this is just a normal thing for him. Damari says it's not but explain he just has to do what his boss tells him to do. Andre asks Damari if the product is in there which Damari insures him that it is. When they get inside the place, they both joke about how scary it is.
Damari starts talking about what he is going to do when he gets the money he needs. He tells Andre that he will buy a mansion and do all sorts of things with Andre like water skiing and putting steaks on grills. Then Quincy Barret comes in with Damari introducing Andre. Quincy starts asking Andre all kinds of questions such as how he met Damari. Andre explains how he met Damari and helped him get away from the police Quincy calls this serendipity. However, Quincy tells Andre that he does not believe in serendipity and thinks that he is embedded with the cops. This soon escalates when Quincy pulls a gun on Andre. Andre still keeps a level head and assures Quincy is not working for the cops. Damari then stands in front of Quincy to defend his friend. However, the intelligence unit shows up and with that Qunicy shoots Damari. As the unit chase Quincy, Andre tries to help out Damari from his gunshot wound as Damari finds out that he is a cop.
In the locker room trying to wash off Damari's blood. Atwater comes to Cooper and tells him that Damari was dead. Atwater tells Cooper that it is not his fault, and that Damari choose to do all of those risky things. Andre just thinks that Atwater is preaching but he is not. He tells Andre lots of criminals are charming, smart and take care of their families. Andre then explains that he thought that they could have done more for Damari. Atwater leaves leaving Andre to look at his own reflection in the mirror.
In The Radical Truth, Andre is with the intelligence unit when they are all over Bob Ruzek house believing he was kidnapped.
In the upstairs room Andre is looking through files while everyone else is trying to connect the dots. They now have a suspect named Hector Santiago. Andre is with the intelligence unit when they bust open the door of Hector Santiago. They see the man bleed out with his wife girlfriend trying to help him. Andre checks to see if anyone else if in the house but there is no one else.
Andre finds out where the Arden family health building is believing that Bob Ruzek is there. Andre is with Atwater as they are close to the building. When they spot the man who kidnapped Bob Ruzek, they chase him, but the man escapes by stealing a car from a woman.
Voight asks the unit if they have any leads on Barela. However, they got nothing, and Andre also tells them that the car Barela used to escape in was found torched. Fortunately, Kim figures out where to find Barela and the unit heads to that place.
After Adam Ruzek kills Barela the team watches camera footage that show it was a good shoot.
Trivia & Notes[]
- As of S8 E08, he is 1 month out of the academy.
- He joined CPD in February 2021
Season 8 | ||||
Fighting Ghosts | White Knuckle | Tender Age | Unforgiven | In Your Care |
Equal Justice | Instinct | Protect and Serve | Impossible Dream | The Radical Truth |
Signs of Violence | Due Process | Trouble Dolls | Safe | The Right Thing |
The Other Side |