A Dead Kid, a Notebook and a Lot of Maybes is the seventh episode of the third season and the 45th overall episode of Chicago P.D.
The Unit investigates the death of a prep school student who was planning to bomb his school. They track down his partner and eventually uncover that the boys were molested by their swim coach and only planned to get back at him by blowing up his car. It is found that the dead student was in fact murdered by a man hired by the swim coach to cover up his crimes. The case gets personal for Halstead and he bonds with the young victim. Meanwhile, Olinsky's wife throws him out over his refusal to abandon his new daughter, leading him to move in with Ruzek, interrupting a date with Burgess. Atwater tries to get in good with a legendary police captain from another district.
Main Cast[]
- Jason Beghe as Sergeant Hank Voight
- Jon Seda as Detective Antonio Dawson
- Sophia Bush as Detective Erin Lindsay
- Jesse Lee Soffer as Detective Jay Halstead
- Patrick John Flueger as Officer Adam Ruzek
- Marina Squerciati as Officer Kim Burgess
- LaRoyce Hawkins as Officer Kevin Atwater
- Amy Morton as Desk Sergeant Trudy Platt
- Brian Geraghty as Officer Sean Roman
- Elias Koteas as Detective Alvin Olinsky
Crossover Cast[]
Recurring Cast[]
- James McDaniel as James Whitaker
- Samuel Hunt as Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz
- Barbara Eve Harris as Emma Crowley
- Madison McLaughlin as Michelle Sovana
- Melissa Carlson as Meredith Olinsky
Guest Cast[]
- Kieran Campion as Darren Sanders
- Elijah Marcano as Ethan James
- Ann Sonneville as Sarah James
- Karen Woditsch as Linda Blake
- Japhet Balaban as Kirby Peterson
- Ron Turner as Sikes
- Matt Kahler as Jake
- Daniel Houle as Detective McCabe
- Roy Anderson as CTA Officer
- Sean Michael Sullivan as Officer Sullivan
- Michael Ryan Perez as Rent-a-Cop
- Kevin Gliwa as Undercover Cop
- Giota Trakas as EL Commuter
Mouse has a ping on Ethan's phone, it was last used by the house of his swim coach Darren Sanders. Jay has Roman and Kim sent to the house. The officers meet Sanders and tell him they are looking for Ethan and he says that he's not there but allows them to search. They investigate the house before Kim finds something very disturbing: Sanders' car spray-painted with the word Pedophile everywhere. Seeing this display, the pair are stunned and immediately ask Sanders if it's his car, as he bitterly confirms it and they take the man in for questioning.
At the precinct, Antonio and Voight question Sanders, noting on the pedophile allegation while asking if it's true. Sanders firmly denies this, while Voight goes over Ethan's behavior and realizes he was wrong about the latter going after his bullies when really, he might be going after his abuser. Sanders states that he was only guilty for trying to "guide" Ethan and starts discussing their activities. Voight then asks if he did the same for Colin Blake. Sanders then states Ethan turned Colin against him. Hearing this, the detectives silently note that he was grooming his victims. Sanders defends himself, saying that Ethan lost his veteran father in the war and possibly saw him as the replacement figure and Sanders rejected this, resulting in his actions.
Later, Trudy gives Atwater mail from Captain Whitaker before Jay brings in Ethan. However, at the same time Sanders is released and comes face to face with Ethan, demanding Ethan that he stop the trouble and leave him alone. Jay watches this scene intently, to test how the situation play out. Jay then has Kevin escort Sanders out while he goes to speak with Ethan.
Jay takes Ethan to the interrogation room and after a while Ethan breaks down. Watching this, Lindsay notes to Voight they just kicked a pedophile and the sergeant orders for eyes to be kept on the pedophile coach. Jay has Ethan tell him more and the latter reveals the first meeting with the coach and when the abuse started while also revealing Colin told him the same thing that occurred to him. Ethan reveals that he and Colin planned to get revenge on the coach. It is revealed Colin met with another boy that Sanders abused named Jeff and they plan to bomb the car of Sanders. However, Ethan backed out and Colin committed suicide.
Intelligence goes over the case more and it is revealed that the Jeff that Ethan and Colin met was an imposter. It also turns out Colin did not commit suicide but was murdered due to the fact it wasn't enough gun residue on his hands. Sanders was not the culprit because of an alibi. Mouse brings up surveillance cameras that reveals that Colin met up with another young man who is said to be Jeff. Intelligence goes over more evidence that reveal Sanders liquidating money from his kid's college fund and that he volunteered at the Juvenile Hall center, so he most likely paid a juvenile delinquent to meet up with the boys and silence them. They soon identify the person as Jesse a delinquent who was just released.
Jay pursues Jessie through the train but the latter jumps off and commits suicide by getting hit by another train. Realizing their only lead died, Voight orders the media be kept away to have something over Sanders.
Adam and Alvin proceed to arrest Sanders while the latter was having a barbecue. He protests while Adam quietly threatens the alleged pedophile coach into making a scene in front of his family, just so Adam could have an excuse just slam and drag him across the lawn for all to see. Instead, Sanders complies with his arrest while telling his wife to call his lawyer.
With Sanders in custody, Jay wants to interrogate and punish him but Voight says he is too close and driven by anger. He goes to speak with Sanders bluffing that Jessie is telling them everything and how its over. After Voight leaves, Jay and Lindsay watch Sanders sit for a while until he shouts Colin was not meant to die. Voight comes back, as Sanders confesses how Jessie was only supposed to intimidate the boys into silence, not kill them. He says Jessie is to blame for the murder, while Voight listens more. Jay and Lindsay are shocked by the confession.
Afterwards, Jay goes to Ethan's house, where the latter thanks him for getting justice but Jay says Ethan did that by himself.
Notes and Trivia[]
- Meredith kicks Alvin out.
- Jay uses his military experience to help a veteran's son.
- Kevin does favors for Whitaker.
- Lindsay references the young boy Roman tried to help.
Chicago PD 3x07 Promo "A Dead Kid, a Notebook and a Lot of Maybes" (HD)